Saturday, March 13, 2021

Can The Red Chinese Communist Military Defeat The U.S. Military Without Firing A Shot?

 I know that sounds silly on its face, but under the illegitimate "presidency" of Biden and his cabal, almost as soon as he stole the White House, he, and his extremist Secretary of "Defense," began to eviscerate the military with looney, "diversity," gobbledygook... 

I have to admit that, this nonsense didn't start with the apostate "Catholic" Biden, no, it started back under the corrupt Clinton administration, and continued under Republican presidents as well.  But why?  That's an easy one: no guts!

Okay, I know that if there are any feminists reading this -- that is, if there are any Catholics, or mainline Protestants, or Jews, or Buddhas, or Hindus, or whatever, that are radical feminists that would read my articles -- listen up...    

If anyone hasn't noticed yet, here's what's happening to our Army (and the other services as well, save the Marines (I hope!); not only are females being given more command responsibilities, they are now allowed to be up-close and personal in combat roles, yes, even as combat pilots.

But it doesn't end there...

Just as the illicit "president" Biden promised, he has now injected the anti-Natural Law filth of "transgenderism" into the public school system, whereby those who are, in fact, males, but claim to be female -- for that day, or hour, or minute -- can now enter your daughter's bathroom and locker room at will, and no one can stop them!  

In reality, what I just wrote is not true; you fathers and mothers can stop these leftist policies by pulling your children, especially your daughters, out of the public school system and homeschool, that is, if you want to save their precious souls -- and yours too!   If we fail, we will face the wrath of our Lord at our Particular Judgment.  Not a very pleasant prospect...

Those disastrous policies are now being implemented in the military services.  This is a reversal of the positive actions taken by President Trump using God-given common sense, which seems to be severely lacking in the malfunctioning brain of Biden.  

Can it be that the actions now under way is not just a payback to the leftist feminists' who supported the stealing of the 2020 presidential election, but also a deliberate plan to weaken the military? 

I say it is.

If that is, in fact, the case, then would not that be treason?  Would it not be enough to impeach and remove from office such a miscreant, as opposed to the phony "Russian collusion" charges brought against President Trump?  

I say it is.

Presently, the Fox commentator, Tucker Carlson, is under severe attack by multiple entities in the Marxist media for his pointing out the incredible stupidity of poisoning the military with these maniacal social experiments, a la Dr. Frankenstein...

Some of those entities are the arm-chair generals ostracizing the right-leaning, pro-life Tucker because he dared to speak the truth about females in combat roles, as well as the fact that the military will now pay for sex-change surgery for their "men" who want to become "women," and for "women" who want to become "men."  

What I just wrote is not an exaggeration, but fact...  

And so, that if this lunacy continues over a substantial period of time, it just may be that the Red Chinese Communist military won't have to fire a single shot when they decide to invade the U.S. mainland; all they would have to do is to gobble-up all the supplies of feminine products, such as maxi-pads and tampons!  

Can you imagine a male machine-gunner, in a foxhole, with a female ammo feeder when that time of the month comes around and she has no female "supplies"?  Just the thought of it is enough to make a male soldier want to desert his post!

Do the idiots at the White House, or at the Pentagon ever think of the practicality of their nonsensical policies?  Obviously not...

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Blessed Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla 


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