Thursday, March 11, 2021

"Catholic" Senators Who Voted To Defeat The Born-Alive Amendment...

 Is the title of my article for real??  Yes!

I will name each one of these apostate "Catholic" (baby killers), who, out of ignorance or malice, voted to kill an amendment that would have required medical care to the poor, tiny souls who survived an attempt to slaughter them through the heinous act of abortion.

First, I rule out ignorance; they know exactly what was, or is, at stake here.  So, if that is the case, and it is, then the only other option is that they voted out of malice against the most defenseless of our species: the pre-born baby.

These "Catholic" politicians voted in lock-step with the rest of the Democratic Party, unwilling to buck the system and vote in a way that would have shown the world that they are Catholic, and that a Catholic cannot, under any circumstances, vote to take the life of an innocent pre-born girl or boy.  But they failed miserably to exercise a conscience supposedly formed by the teachings of Holy Mother Church!

In the meantime, we must carry out our Lord's command to pray for our enemies and their conversion, but not for their evil intentions or actions...

Second, it is time to name these thirteen, imposter "Catholics"...

    Sen. Cantwell; Sen. Cortez; Sen. Gillibrand; Sen. Murray -- all females!

Think about that for one moment... Females voted against caring for babies that survived an abortion?  Women are tasked with carrying and bringing life into the world, voted against this common-sense amendment?  Unbelievable!  

    The rest are males, some are fathers, no doubt... If they have a daughter, how do they explain their no vote to their impressionable female offspring??

    Sen. Durbin; Sen. Kaine; Sen. Kelly; Sen. Leahy; Sen. Lujan; Sen. Markey; Sen. Menendez; Sen. Padilla, and Sen. Reed... If there was ever any doubt in the minds of Democrat "Catholics," now you know the truth, and because of that, you must act accordingly: you must vote them out of office!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla 

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