Thursday, March 11, 2021

People Are D Y I N G From The Filthy, Untested Covid "Vaccine"...

 More and more evidence is surfacing each and every day of the extreme, adverse side effects, up to and including the death of loved ones.

That statement is not my opinion, but reflects the massive reports coming from family and friends of those who have suffered after taking the "vaccine." 

Outright horror stories have been buried by the mainstream, elitist, corrupt media, yet the truth is leaking out from devastated families, mourning the loss of fathers, mothers, brothers, sisters, grandfathers, grandmothers, aunts, cousins; you get the horrible idea...

Those who were tricked into taking the various "vaccines," under the pressure -- and threat -- that if they didn't, they would lose their jobs; their only source of income to support themselves, and their families.  But now, after contracting debilitating reactions from the covid "vaccine", they can no longer take care of their families...  What can be worse?  Death.  The ultimate disaster that a family can face, especially a young family, leaving behind their charges; fatherless; motherless... Know, that there is little redress; little justice to be meted-out to those responsible for developing killer, unnecessary treatments for a virus that was hyped-up to scare to death, a gullible populace.

What makes matters even worse, is that information has surfaced that the PCR test used to test people to see if they were "infected" with the covid coronavirus, was faulty to begin with!  The sly and corrupt medical "authorities" knew this... They increased the speed of cycles of the sample taken -- to over 35 -- which has now been admitted will almost always give a false positive!  

We also know that there is money to be made when someone is tested "positive," and is admitted to a hospital.  In addition, if someone is put on a ventilator, the facility receives thousands of additional dollars!  From that point on, events escalate, including isolation, quarantining, deprivation of normal, familial contact, leading to a dire prognosis of the unsuspecting patient.  

But the lies don't stop there... It is rarely reported, by that same corrupt media, the age of those "infected," along with their co-morbidities, leading the general public to believe, that all of us are in extreme danger, and, if we don't wear a face-diaper, we'll catch the virus, get sick and die...  Interesting -- or should I say, sad -- to see little children forced to wear face-diapers at the direction of well-indoctrinated "adults" afraid of their own shadow, unwilling to research to get the facts of the covid scam.

The bottom line: we have to resist the attempt by these family-hating, God-hating "authorities" to make us slaves to their every, arbitrary, illicit dictates that stifles normal relations among humans.  We are made in the image and likeness of God almighty, not in the image of these unscrupulous little gods... 

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Blessed Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla

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