Tuesday, March 2, 2021

Hooray, I'm Saved!! I Have No Doubt About It -- "Bishop" Barron "Told" Me!

 So, you think that attaining eternal salvation is as difficult as hell?  Well, guess again; it's easy as pie!  Where have you been living; in a cave?  Don't you know that a prominent "bishop" -- with an enormous social media following -- has declared that all, or nearly all, men (and women) -- are saved?

Just who is this guru of the salvation message?  Why, it's none other than "Bishop" Barron.  This character was recently promoted to that august standing in what passes for the Catholic Church these days, by none other than the current occupant of the Chair of St. Peter, Bergoglio (Francis)...

Not that long ago, "Bishop" Barron was interviewed by the young "conservative" talking head, Ben Shapiro (a Jew).  The nice young man asked the good bishop if he could be saved outside of the Catholic Church.  Of course, with such a straightforward question, Barron had to muddy the waters by answering with some nonsensical doubletalk that left those listening or watching, scratching their collective heads.

Why couldn't Barron simply answer the question in the Catholic way -- to seek Christ.  That just might have led to further inquiry by Shapiro, and potentially respond to the actual graces floating around in the atmosphere.

Barron blew an opportunity to evangelize (true ecumenism) Shapiro, yet let him wallow in his error and material heresy, possibly, for the rest of his life!

On the other hand, sometime later, a Protestant pastor was also interviewed by Shapiro, and was asked the same question (it was apparent to me that Shapiro was searching for something, perhaps?).  The response from the pastor was completely the opposite of "Bishop" Barron, and spot-on: he preached Jesus Christ to Shapiro right on the spot!  

That incident reminds me of the time I was interviewed on local community TV in Keene, New Hampshire, about 20 years back.  The station was doing a series asking those of the various religions to discuss their beliefs and why they held their beliefs...  The gracious, but business-like lady interviewer, came right out and asked me why I was doing the interview... My response to her took her by surprise: "I am doing this to save your soul."   Now I realize that it wouldn't be me that could save her soul, but the Holy Ghost using me as His instrument to bring Christ to that non-Catholic woman...  Funny, it was after the interview, and after the cameras were turned off, that we had a more relaxed and interesting conversation!

Getting back to "Bishop" -- everyone is saved -- Barron...  I wonder if Barron reads the Bible?  If he does, then his silly take on salvation is even more puzzling, because there are numerous passages that point out that not everyone is saved; just the opposite... Here is an excerpt from a major discourse that our Lord had with the Pharisees, not far from the Mount of Olives, and shortly after entering the temple He was questioned by the Pharisees to tempt Him... (See St. John, chapter 8: verses 21, 23, 24, King James version).  (Please read the entire chapter in order to see the points of His discourse with the Pharisees...)

Verse 21: "... I go my way, and you shall seek me, and shall die in your sins: wither I go, ye cannot come. Verse 23: "And he said unto them, ye are from beneath; I am from above: ye are of this world; I am not of this world. Verse 24: "I said therefore unto you, that ye shall die in your sins: for if you believe not that I am he, ye shall die in your sins

I think it is quite clear that when the Son of God, Jesus Christ, tells someone that they will die in their sins, that means they will end up in hell, not heaven!

It is plain to me, anyway, that "Bishop" Barron doesn't know what he's talking about, but what's worse, he is spreading scandal and confusion, not only among Catholics, but also to those outside the Church that Christ founded for the salvation of souls.  If someone is told that they are saved already, why the necessity of becoming Catholic in the first place??

"Thanks," "Bishop" Barron, for your heterodoxy, as well as your obvious lack of concern for the eternal destiny of our immortal souls...


(Do any of my readers think that I'm off base here?  If so, leave a comment and I'll discourse with you...)

Pray for your enemies, and pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Blessed Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla



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