Wednesday, January 5, 2022

Does Unbridled Power Equal Unbridled Authority??


But you would never know that by the actions of the monster authoritarians posing as clerics, especially those who claim to be bishops and cardinals... 

I refer to that dictator wearing the Roman collar in the archdiocese of Chicago, "cardinal" Cupich.  

I find it interesting, no, make that sickening, to learn that this miscreant has all but suppressed the Traditional Latin Mass in his sphere of influence in that dreaded, Marxist compound known as Illinois, more precisely, in the once-great city of Chicago.  

(Where is Mrs. O'Leary's cow when you need her??

Actually, from comes this excerpt: "The commission concluded in its official report that Mrs. O'Leary had not been in the barn when the fire began. The report did not state a precise cause of the fire, but mentioned that a spark blown from a chimney of a nearby house on that windy night could have started the fire in the barn."

You can read the entire article here: Did Mrs. O'Leary's Cow Start the Great Chicago Fire? (

Of course, no one in his or her right mind would advocate for another devastating fire to ravage the city of several million inhabitants, but it is also important to realize that in 2021, there were 846 homicides, and 4,542 citizens shot!!  All occurred under mayor Lightfoot's watch -- and it is still going on, with no letup in sight!

When Donald Trump was president, he offered mayor Lightfoot federal help to assist the local police cope with the horrendous gang wars and drug dealing, but she declined... But now, since Biden stole -- and now occupies the White House -- she is begging for federal help!  

My question is: why is she still mayor???  

But I digress...

The power-hungry, soul-killing Cupich allows some of the most bizarre "masses" to be held in his diocese, without a whimper, but dare traditional-minded Catholics worship our Lord at the sublime TLM, and it's as if all hell is breaking loose, causing division as well as being accused of rejecting the "teachings" of Vatican II, and that includes the protestantized new "mass," concocted by that demonic (Mason?) Bugnini.  

See this video from Dr. Taylor Marshall... They Mock Christ in the Liturgy - Podcast by Dr. Taylor Marshall - YouTube.

Does "cardinal" Cupich have the power to severely restrict, or cancel outright, the TLM?  

Sure he does.

But not the authority to do so!

And that's at the heart of the matter: does power equal authority?

It does not.  

Sadly, there are those Catholics who will obey their bishops to the point of the destruction of their own souls, and those souls entrusted to them.  False obedience is a vice, not a virtue...

Please watch the following video presented by Dr. Stine at and make up your own minds...

The Modernists Have Won A Major Victory Against Tradition In Chicago - YouTube.

One last thought... Do any of my readers think that there just might be a connection between the moral upheaval of murders and shootings in Chicago, and the lack of spiritual leadership on the part of the novus ordo clerics who use the pulpit to preach social justice nonsense instead of the four last things: Death, Judgment, Heaven and hell?

I think there is...

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla


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