Monday, January 31, 2022

For A Practicing Catholic, This Is A Call To Arms And, If Necessary, COMBAT!

  Pope SAINT Pius X labeled modernism as the synthesis of all heresies!

The good Saint was correct... 

As proof of this, we see the anti-Christ modernists attacking the Mass of the ages by restricting and, in some cases, totally abrogating the Traditional Latin Mass in some dioceses.   

Those gutless bishops are licking the boots of the "king" of the modernists currently occupying the Chair of St. Peter, Bergoglio, and attempting to enforce his illegal, illicit, wicked, and evil motu proprio Traditionis Custodus.

Ironically, the English translation of that motu proprio is: “Guardians of Tradition”!

What a joke!

Attacking the Mass of the Saints and Martyrs is almost beyond belief!  Yet this has been the goal ever since the creation of the new "mass" by the Freemason, treasonous rat, so-called archbishop, Bugnini, and promulgated by the weak-kneed Paul VI...  

What has that led to?  One has only to look at the numbers, the statistics of what Catholics believe these days... For instance, 70+ percent no longer believe in the Real Presence of our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament, that is, if they ever did.  And if they don't, then why do they remain Catholic?   The fact is, is that many don't.  They leave the Church -- by the millions -- for greener pastures thinking, I guess, that they'll find Jesus in some non-Catholic denomination?  Sorry, He isn't there....  

On the other hand, the T.L.M. communities and those who attend the most beautiful thing this side of Heaven, are growing leaps and bounds.  Young and growing families flood the churches and pack the pews on every Sunday and holy days of obligation, generously filling the donation basket to the best of their ability to support those good and faithful priests ministering to their flocks...

I know that there are some novus ordo Masses that have been reported to be "reverent," facing ad orientem (facing Christ in His tabernacle, not facing the people), etc., but there are so many irreverent, sham "masses" that can make a good Catholic sick to his stomach... 

There is much corroborating evidence to support my accusation; here is just one from Dr. Anthony Stine at

 Francis' Heretic Friends Are Bragging About What They Are Going To Do To You - YouTube.

And this from Dr. Taylor Marshall... Father Jerry with iPhone on Altar leading breathing exercises at Mass - Dr. Taylor Marshall - YouTube.

I can assure my readers this is not a fluke!  There are many such videos to prove the attack by the modernist monsters is real, and it will get much worse, unless and until, there is divine intervention by the Holy Ghost...

For A Practicing Catholic, This Is A Call To Arms And, If Necessary, COMBAT! 

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla

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