Friday, January 14, 2022

Important! The Madmen Running Our Country Are Playing With -- RUSSIAN Fire!

 I don't write just for the sake of writing; I write because there is information that is conveniently overlooked by the mainstream/Marxist media, leaving most dumbed-down Americans in the dark.  Not that I'm a "savior-author," only someone who is concerned with the repercussions of serious sins and its effects on the soul of mankind.  And let's face it, wars and rumors of war are a punishment for grievous sins.  Will we ever learn???

Recently, I posted this article: 

Neocons Playing With Nuclear Fire -- And The Potential Destruction Of Mankind...

Recent negotiations between the U.S., NATO and Russia over border concerns, ranging from placing missiles on Russia's doorstep, to the possibility of Ukraine and Georgia joining NATO, and Russia bolstering its troop concentration near Ukraine's border, have only deteriorated as I write this missive...

In fact, the maniacs in the fraudulent Biden regime, along with those in the military industrial complex, plus our "allies" in NATO, have given Russia only two possible scenarios to ponder, neither of which will promote restful nights, just the opposite...

Here is an article from 

National Security Adviser: 'We're Ready Either Way' to Deal With Russian Aggression Toward Ukraine

It's early, and maybe I'm not fully awake, but does that sound like a threat or what?   

And this from, written by Paul Craig Roberts: 

By Refusing Security to Russia Washington Has Opened the Door to War.

Here are the first two paragraphs of the article: "As readers are aware, I regard Washington’s refusal to accommodate Russia’s security concerns as totally irresponsible. By denying security guarantees to Russia, Washington essentially told the Kremlin that Washington intends to locate nuclear missiles on Russia’s borders and to use color revolutions among former Russian provinces to destabilize the Russian Federation. In other words, Washington has shown that the US represents a life-threatening hostility to Russia.

"Russia is not going to sit and wait for that to happen. Ukraine most certainly will not be permitted to be a member of NATO. Russia would reincorporate Ukraine into Russia rather than permit that to happen. No US or NATO missile bases will be permitted in Ukraine. If they are there or are put there, they will be destroyed."

End of excerpt...

My comment: if you are not in a state of grace, get into that glorious state and stay in it!  Strive for personal sanctification for yourself and your family!  Pray for the consecration of Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.  And!  Pray for the consecration of Europe to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, too!  As it seems that the spreading of errors is not limited to Russia...

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla


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