Friday, January 28, 2022

Devil In A Three-Piece Suit...

 Demons are usually portrayed as gruesome looking, diabolical, evil creatures with horns or other assorted distortions of the human form.  At least that's how the movies get the attention of their audiences.  And there may be some truth in that, but they can also come in more conventional forms and dress, such as three-piece suits or dresses, minus the horns...

As a good example of this, let's take a look at what passes for a doctor these days, especially those entrusted with advising those holding high office, such as a president of a country.  I am referring to our country, and the "doctor" doing the advising goes by the name of Fauci.  Some label this devil as "doctor death," or some other very descriptive term (some of those terms I must refrain from using due to a sense of morality and modesty) ...

Of course, this character has been around so long that his trail of corruption, mayhem and death goes back to the time when I was in Vietnam:1967-1968!  

Biden is the supposed president sitting in the Oval Office but, in reality, is a mere puppet having his strings pulled by those more coherent, but just as evil. 

"Dr. Death" is his chief advisor for the "covid" "pandemic"...

The real pandemic is, and continues to be, the injections of the so-called vaccines, making literally billions of dollars for big pharma, and, for their enablers, namely, those in those very same high offices in our beloved country.  But the billions made are nothing compared to all the suffering and death due to the "vaccines"... (Accurate numbers are hard to come by, because of the underreporting of such injuries and death to those responsible for keeping track and reporting those numbers to the appropriate agencies.  And with all those billions of bucks flowing into the blood-drenched hands of the elites, is it any wonder why their co-conspirators in those very same agencies fail to report to the public the tragedies going on every day of the week???)

Graft and kickbacks are practically a way of life in most modern Western nations, and the recently published book by Peter Schweizer: "Red-Handed," exposes the vast sums of money -- in the multiple millions! -- paid for various "services" and influence peddling, especially to the Biden crime family.  

Such corruption and moral decay among the elites, is now commonplace among those running and ruining our country.  If you add in the medical "authorities" and big pharma, you have a witch's brew right out of a third-world hellhole, run by drug and warlords, rather than a modern civilized society that operates under the rule of law...

But I digress a bit....

"Dr. Death" now wants little babies of 6 months and up to get the filthy, deadly jab -- and boosters too!  

I have only one thing to say: if any parent allows -- voluntarily -- their tiny offspring to be injected with an experimental, gene altering drug, then they should be imprisoned for the duration of their natural lives and their children placed in a home with folks who still have God-given common sense and respect for the dignity of the little humans entrusted to them!

And who should be right next to those brainwashed "parents"?  Why, none other than Dr. Death himself!  

One more thing... On January 23, 2022, there appeared an article in Exclusive: PETA VP Blasts ‘Crazy’ NIH Transgender Monkey Experiments, Demands Fauci Be ‘Fired’

(You can read the entire article here: Exclusive: PETA VP Blasts ‘Crazy’ NIH Transgender Monkey Experiments, Demands Fauci Be ‘Fired’ (

Now think about this... PETA is mad as hell because of the torture-treatment of some monkeys... You read that right, monkeys!  If PETA wants Fauci investigated for mistreatment of animals, and demand his resignation, then how about calling for an investigation about his diabolical plan to vaccinate tiny babies and toddlers with an unproven "vaccine"???


Just a thought...

Pray for the conversion of Fauci and his ilk...

And pray, too, for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla




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