Thursday, January 6, 2022

Another Judas?

  I don't know about you, but I have had it with these reincarnated Judases; you know, those characters who wear the Roman collar?

And of course, the Judas that I am referring to is another Jesuit.

Does that surprise anyone?

It shouldn't... Look at the most "prominent" Jesuit on the face of the earth: the Bishop of Rome, Bergoglio and his anti-Catholic rhetoric that spews -- almost on a daily basis -- from his mouth or pen.

The latest, in case you don't know, is his virulent attacks on the traditional Latin Mass communities and those faithful who attend at the most sublime, beautiful thing this side of Heaven!

Well, now it seems that another pro-culture-of-death Jesuit has opened his mouth revealing his support of one of the most damning sins that cry to Heavan for vengeance: abortion -- the killing of the pre-born.

Here is the name of this Judas and the article from chronicling his twisting of the Natural Law and Church teaching to validate his subservience to his real master, Satan...

"Prominent Jesuit Priest Says Good Catholics Can Be Pro-Choice"...

Here are some excerpts from the article (you can read the entire piece here, if you can stomach it: Prominent Jesuit Priest: Good Catholics Can Be Pro-Choice (

"Catholics can support a woman’s right to kill her unborn child in good conscience declared Jesuit Father Pat Conroy in an interview published Wednesday in the Washington Post.

"Father Conroy, who served for a decade as chaplain of the U.S. House of Representatives, drew a distinction between being pro-abortion and pro-choice, insisting that “a pro-choice Democrat isn’t a pro-abortion person,” and it is an error to judge any pro-choice Democrat “as pro-abortion.”

"I want to know the American who thinks the government should take away their choice in any area of their life — any area of their life,” the priest stated in reference to women. “It’s an American value that each one of us can choose where our life is going. That happens to be a Catholic value, too.”

("Fr." Conroy is following in the bloodied footsteps of "Fr." Robert Drinan, a notorious pro-death Jesuit, a Demonrat (MA), who served in the House of Representatives from 1971 to 1981.)

"Writing in The Catholic Lawyer in 1968, ["]Father["] Drinan argued that Catholics “should move away from any line of reasoning or species of rhetoric which suggests that the proponents of abortion are advocating homicide."

"Fr." Conroy's deadly ideology drew sharp criticism from that bastion of truth and pro-life honor, "Cardinal" Dolan of New York, himself a phony who wears the rainbow sash in the once-Catholic St. Patrick's Day parade.  

By the way, where has Dolan been this past year?  I haven't heard a peep from the cardinal archbishop of New York!  Could it be that he has been "demoted," and now serves at the pleasure of Bergoglio's official mouthpiece in the U.S., "cardinal" Cupich of Chicago???

Well folks, if you haven't already done so, it is time to call out these Judases for what they really are: actors, clones, phonies, and yes, perverted communists who are the third generation of the infiltrators recruited to bring the Church down from within...

Sorry, if that offends some, but the -- objective, moral and spiritual absolute -- truth will set us free, while subjective "truth" can damn one to hell for all eternity...

Pray for strength and honor -- and for the complete defeat of the demonic agenda of these hard-core Leftists Christ-haters...

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla

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