Monday, January 10, 2022

Why The Rabid Attacks On Tradition?

  I'm not only talking about traditions (that's with a small "t"), but more importantly, Traditions with, as you can see, a capital "T"... There is a difference...

For instance, if I said that during the summer months, my family and our neighbors, have cookout about every two weeks, enjoying good food and friends, that could be a form of a tradition...

Thats a good thing... 

But, if I told you that there is something called Sacred Tradition -- and Scripture -- and that both of these make up the Deposit of Faith (that was completed with the end of the earthly life of St. John, the Evangelist), that would be something completely different than having those wonderful traditions of summer cookouts...

I want to focus in on (Sacred) Traditions, as well as the traditions such as the Natural Law which guides all humans who come into the world, with the Church being the teacher and custodian of the moral law, with the primary aim of the Church, the salvation of souls.

The Church has been with us for 2,000 years, founded by our Lord, Jesus... It was paid for by His precious Blood.  We have an obligation to live our lives acknowledging that fact.  He died for our sins, and every time we commit serious sins, we are guilty of pounding those spikes into our Lord's hands and feet all over again.  

Am I repeating something that is unnecessary and obvious?  

Perhaps, but if we look at what is going on in the world, and that includes right here in the U.S., we can see that sin abounds, whether "legally", e.g.: two of the most egregious sins that cry to Heaven for vengeance, abortion and condoned homosexuality (sodomy), recognized or not. 

I digress...

When I hear the "conservative" talking heads, I hear them complaining about those liberals that rub them -- and, I admit, me too -- the wrong way; they are outside the majority of those patriots who know the dangers of liberalism (by the way, liberalism is a sin!), and some of those dangers are socialism/Marxism, or outright totalitarianism.  

But what is it that those "conservatives" are trying to conserve?

What traditions are they trying to conserve?

If we made up a list of the tenets of the deadly French Revolution of 1789 and the reign of terror of 1793, then compare that with what the present-day "conservatives" claim they are conserving, I would venture to say that there is little difference, minus the public executions of faithful clergy, laity and royalists.  Though, with the Marxists in control of the Congress and the Senate, and the radical agenda of the hard core Left, it is possible that that sad day may come to fruition, even here in the U.S.!  We see that happening in Red China, the Middle East, as well in parts of the continent of Africa...

So, are the "conservatives" conserving elements of the Declaration of the Rights of Man and little else?  Or are they truly concerned with the onslaught of attacks on our basic traditions and the moral order?

Remember, the Declaration stated that you can do whatever you want, just as long as what you do, doesn't infringe on the rights of the other guy to do what he wants!  

Translation: if it feels good, do it, regardless of the moral and spiritual consequences to the rest of humankind, with little or no accountability for our actions...

We not only have to fight the constant attacks from the secular world, but we also now have a juggernaut of rabid attacks coming from an unlikely source: those in power in what passes for the Catholic Church hierarchy, all the up to the desk of the Bishop of Rome, Bergoglio. 


Get your tin-foil hats ready!

Just in the last few days, a flurry of damning articles -- from reliable sources -- not to mention Bergoglio's slew of motu proprios, have documented the deranged thinking and full-scale sell-out of the successor of Christ's first vicar, St. Peter, to the globalist elites and their diabolical agenda with its many tentacles of depopulation, abortion, supporting the lunacy of "climate change," instructing Catholics to get the abortion-tainted, filthy jab, and even supporting radical pro-sodomy "priests" and "nuns"... 

But Bergoglio knows that there is one last bastion of resistance that stands in his way to implement the evil scheme of his elite buddies: the Traditional Latin Mass communities and the faithful laity who love the sublime Mass of the Saints and Martyrs -- as well as the traditional religious orders of contemplative brothers and nuns, who have already suffered greatly for faithfully adhering to their sacred constitutions.

Where this will all end, is anyone's guess, but rest assured that these rabid attacks on Tradition will continue unless and until there is Divine intervention.  What I would like to see is St. Michael the Archangel descend from the heavens and smite these bad guys and put the fear of the Lord into the rest of the fence-sitters... 

Stay tuned...

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla




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