Saturday, January 29, 2022

If You Think The Supply Chain Problem Is Bad, With Some Empty Shelves Here And There, You Ain't Seen Nothin Yet!

  The Marxists in the White House, and the Marxists in Canada, continue to enforce -- or attempt to enforce -- their draconian, anti-freedom, anti-human policies upon a once-free people, has led to a revolt.  At least that's what the mainstream media -- that is, if they report it at all, label resistance to mandates that have literally destroyed thousands of lives, businesses and the ability for the breadwinner to bring home a paycheck to support his family.  

We have seen this for close to two years now, but there comes a time when God-fearing, freedom-loving folks can only take so much and decide to change things for the better, regardless of the cost.

If you think the supply chain problem is bad, with some empty shelves here and there, you ain't seen nothin yet!

That's the title of my article, and here's why... It seems that the lunatics running our country, and the lunatics in Canada, have decided that truckers, bringing in goods to our country, as well as exporting goods by our truckers to other countries (Canada and Mexico) are being forced to get the filthy, deadly jab in order to cross the respective borders, whether northern or southern...

Some have succumbed to the mandates of these out-of-control, authoritarian dictators and rolled up their sleeves to get the gene altering, dirty "vaccine" out of fear of losing their livelihoods...

Other truckers -- many other truckers! -- have decided that enough is enough and have formed into a united block to demonstrate for their rights, by driving in massive convoys to the capitals of Canada, Ottawa, and Washington, D.C...

It should be noted that both heads of government -- whether legitimate or not -- are apostate Catholics.  Does this surprise anyone?

How many times have I written that those most diametrically opposed to the Natural Law and the divinely revealed laws of God, are the very chosen people of God, first it was the Jews and now Catholic Christians.

Why is this the case?

When folks reject God, that very same God allows the operation of error to enter their intellects, clouding their ability to use their free for good, and, in many cases, choose evil instead.  

In the U.S., we have the incoherent puppet, Biden, and in Canada, the miscreant, Trudeau (both "Catholics") -- a chip off the old block -- ruining his own country with illegal, unconstitutional "mandates" (not laws!)... Sound familiar?

See the article from here: The Canadian Freedom Convoy: Blacked Out, Defunded, and Still Growing, by Aden Tate.



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