Saturday, January 15, 2022

If You Need More Proof That The Bishops Have Failed In Their Teaching Charism For The Last 50 Years, Here It Is...

  Frankly, I'm sick and tired of prominent public figures touting their Catholicism while, at the same time, promoting those sins that cry to Heaven for vengeance...

I can point to the likes of Biden, Pelosi, as well as numerous others, including that self-described "good Catholic", the governor of New Jersey, Phil Murphy.

If you can stomach it, here is an article from, written by Steven Ertelt: 

“Catholic” Gov Phil Murphy Defends Signing Bill for Abortions Up to Birth: I’m Still a “Good Catholic”

Read the entire article here: "Catholic" Gov Phil Murphy Defends Signing Bill for Abortions Up to Birth: I'm Still a "Good Catholic" -

What has gotten us to this point in our American culture?

I will attempt to answer that monumental question...

Recently, a good and decent priest who has been persecuted "simply" for teaching the truth from the pulpit, stated in a face-to-face interview with his bishop, that the bishop admitted (almost verbatim!) that "over the last 50 years, we bishops have failed in our duty to teach the Faith"... 

The good priest wanted to continue that thread with his bishop, but the local ordinary stated that the conversation was making him uncomfortable, and it was time to change the subject!

If we go back 50 years, that takes us to 1971 (now, 1972, with the New Year) ...  And what took place in 1971?  Actually, even before that?  The promulgation of the new "mass" under the pontificate of Paul VI.  But it's even more than that... Let's go back to the Second Vatican Council and the modernists who took control of that pastoral -- non-dogmatic, non-binding -- council, injecting their virulent anti-Catholic "time bombs" that would later destroy the orthodox Catholic faith, and replace it with a man-made religion, adopting to the spirit of the age, rather than the world adopting to the true Church founded by our Lord and Savior, Jesus...

What transpired after that wrecking-ball-council was let loose, was nothing short of a near complete disaster, as tens of thousands of religious, including priests, left their orders in order "to find themselves"... In my little corner of the world, I can certainly vouch for that, as I dated an ex-nun who had recently left the convent for "greener pastures"... Not to mention millions of Catholics leaving the church for, what exactly?

I digressed a wee bit...

How could Gov. Murphy still consider himself a good Catholic?  It doesn't make sense, so the only reason I can think of, is that whatever he was taught in the school system, didn't include the unchangeable tenets of our precious faith.  Perhaps his teachers emphasized social issues instead, or twisted the Scriptures to fit a radicalized agenda?  I don't know, but here are some excerpts from the article; you can decide for yourself...

"Yesterday, New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy signed into law a bill that makes killing babies in abortions a “right” in the state and allows abortions up to birth. As a Catholic, Governor Murphy is coming under fire from Catholics who say he totally violated the pro-life principles of the Catholic Church, of which he claims to be a sincere follower.

"As LifeNews reported, the bill will legalize abortions up to birth and allowing non-doctors to kill babies in abortions. The legislation guarantees “the fundamental right of reproductive autonomy,” even though women already have reproductive autonomy and choice prior to the decision to end a baby’s life in an abortion as reproduction has already taken place...

"In a new statement, Murphy defends his decision to sign the radical pro-abortion bill and says it squares with his Catholic faith and dedication to promote parenthood — even though parenthood is destroyed in an abortion. He wants Catholics to “respect” his decision and the decision to kill babies in abortions, even though abortions permanently destroy a unique human being and forever end any decisions they would ever make.

“To those on the other side of this issue – and there are many overwhelmingly well-intentioned people, many of whom by the way have reached out to me directly – I hope that we can come together in the greater calling of our faiths to make parenthood an easier, safer and healthier choice for anyone or any family in search of support,” Murphy said. “We can each hold our own personal, deeply felt views and still respect each individual’s ability to make their own decisions.”...

“To be sure I have leaned on my faith to inform and enhance many of my most deeply held values,” he said. “And as I said, this one has been a hard one for me. Yet I would be running afoul of those very same values if I used my personal faith to deny services, especially health services, to those who reach different personal conclusions through their own faith. I cannot allow that to happen, and I will not.”...

"The state’s Catholic bishops are also critical. They expressed “profound disappointment and deep concern” about the legislation."

End of excerpts...

I say that the bishop's "deep concern" and "profound disappointment" is too little too late.  Why don't these bishops show some testosterone, and publicly ex-communicate these extremist, anti-life, "Catholic" politicians????

I guess I can dream, can't I?

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno,, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla



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