Sunday, January 9, 2022

Crisis At The N O R T H E R N Border Is Coming!

 When most Americans -- at least those in their right minds -- are legitimately concerned with our porous, southern border, there is a massive crisis brewing at our NORTHERN border!  

How so?

With the Marxist regime holding the White House -- and America -- hostage, the feeble-minded Biden and his handlers, are forcing the "vaccine" "mandate" (remember, mandates are not laws!) on truckers coming in from our neighbor to the north, Canada.  That is, if the U.S. Supreme Court doesn't strike down this un-Constitutional dictate from the dictator-in-charge.

So, what would it mean if the truckers from Canada are required to prove they have been "vaccinated" in order for them to transport their goods into the U.S.?

It means that nearly 30,000 truckers would not be able to transport those goods!  It seems that those truckers still have some common sense, and a sense of freedom ingrained in their brains, and feel that getting the jab should be a matter of choice, as the Nuremberg Code holds, and not be forced to stick out their arms to receive a filthy, deadly "vaccine"...

This is in addition to the planned bottleneck of over 100 ships biding their time offshore on the West Coast (and the East, for that matter), unable to unload their goods to keep the supply chain going and the shelves well-stocked...

If those truckers are unable to meet the "mandate" from the Communists running and ruining our country, and cannot transport their goods into the U.S., and the ships offshore are unable to unload their goods, then prepare to see even more empty shelves coming to a store near you -- whether the big box stores, or especially the mom-and-pop stores, that is, if there are any mom-and-pop stores left after the ongoing, planned, debacle that has crippled our nation over the last 18+ months ...

One of the problems that these northern truckers have to face, is that the Marxist Canadian premier, Trudeau, is all hyper about jabbing those truckers too.  He is in lockstep with the globalist elites (he's one himself!) to enforce an inhumane tyranny upon his own people, just as in the land of the once-free and the home of the once-brave. 

Let's face it: Biden and Trudeau are traitors to their country; their citizens, and, most importantly, to Christ, seeing that both these miscreants claim to be "Catholics"!

(I'm afraid that the august handle of Catholic means nothing to these characters, in fact, it means little to the majority of those who attend the novus ordo (new-world-order "church"), as over 70 percent no longer believe in the Real Presence (if they ever did!) of our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament.  Couple this with the willingness to submit -- falsely! -- to every dictate that emanates from the mouth, or pen, of the Bishop of Rome, Bergoglio, and you have a recipe for spiritual and moral disaster, playing right into the hands of the father of lies, Satan...)

It is said that as the church goes, so goes society...


Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vicent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla

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