Monday, January 17, 2022

THE GODLESS AGENDA: From Davos To The Vatican (Remnant TV).

 It really is time to take off the gloves!  The time for being tolerant or "nice," is long over...

Practicing Catholics -- and other sincere believers -- have got face reality: the God-fearing are under attack from principalities and powers, all having at their source, the father of lies, Satan and his numerous minions, all focused on the destruction of that last bastion; that last roadblock to the "great reset," traditional Catholicism...

The Communists know that; the Marxists know that; the Liberals know that; the apostates know that; the sodomites know that; the abortionists know that; the LGBTQ alphabet radicals know that; the neo-con warmongers know that; the anti-Christs know that; so how come there is such complacency -- or ignorance -- among those who claim to be Christian lovers of Christ, don't know that?  Or, at the very least, have succumbed to a false thinking that if they disobey a wayward shepherd -- all the way up to the supposed pope -- or the dictates of some state or federal authoritarian, they are, in some way, going to be ex-communicated and condemned to hell for all eternity, or thrown into some internment camp for refusing to take the globalist jab.

We cannot let that mindset rule the way we live our lives and worship God.  That is why those faithful to Christ, our Lord, were martyred in some of the most heinous of ways that any human can devise and used against another human, because they refused to offer incense to false gods...

But that was millennia ago you say, we don't have pagan Roman Emperors to deal with today.  True, but we do have pagans nonetheless, only today they wear three-piece suits, or dresses, or wear the Roman collar.  Nothing has changed, really...

And the pagans of today have been emboldened by the so-called "covid" "pandemic" to "reset" society and make it in the image and likeness of the new-world-order, manmade religion of the anti-Christ.

As one proof of this, is the attack on traditional Catholics who know that the Traditional Latin Mass of the ages is the most pleasing to the Creator of that Mass, our Lord, Jesus, instituted at the Last Supper.  (The original language of that Mass may not have been Latin, but that sacred language became the language of the common people... In fact, it was Pope St. Damasus who directed St. Jerome, a Biblical and linguistic scholar, to translate the Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek Scriptures into the "vulgar" language of the common man, thus, the Latin Vulgate Bible was officially canonized in the Fourth Century.) 

As the leader of the world's Catholics, the Bishop of Rome, Bergoglio, has taken it upon himself to attack faithful Catholics, while, at the same time has shown his true colors: that of being an ardent supporter of the "great reset," as well as supporting -- by praise! -- those who are firmly entrenched in one of the un-natural sins that cry to Heaven for vengeance, homosexuality/sodomy...

He is a hater of Tradition and those faithful who adhere to it.  Hence, the attack on the TLM and the former Ecclesia Dei societies, while allowing some of the most blasphemous novelties invented, to be performed at the novus ordo "mass."

I, for one, am at a loss for words...

I wrote earlier that it is time to take off the gloves... Please watch the following video from Remnant TV...

(I hope you haven't eaten breakfast yet...)

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla



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