Wednesday, January 26, 2022

Hospital Takes Dying Patient Off Heart Transplant List Because He’s Unvaccinated...

 Is this what our country has come to?

Where is the Hippocratic oath: first do no harm?

This is pure evil, pure wickedness!

Please read the following article from, written by Steven Ertelt...

I would urge anyone who is feeling sick, stay out of the hospital at all costs!  At all costs!

If you can get by, get help from those whom you know -- outside of the hospital -- with medical knowledge, nurses, chiropractors, private physicians, etc., but stay out of the damn hospitals -- they are only concerned with the bottom line: MONEY, not your health and well-being! 

Do your due diligence and search high and low for a facility that believes in being human!   That believes in the Hippocratic oath and takes it seriously!  A facility that believes in the Natural Law and are God-fearing!

Because if you do go into a hospital, you will become a prisoner!  You will be separated from your family; your family will not be able to visit you -- that can very well lead to despair and depression; your priest will not be able to give you Extreme Unction or hear your confession... This is not hyperbole, there are many examples of this...

If all this sounds harsh, or you think I'm kidding or exaggerating, I'm not... Here's the new "policy" I just received from the V.A. (Veteran's Administration): any in-patient veteran will not be able to have visitors!  

I immediately e-mailed, then talked to a vet rep venting my anger and frustration at this in-humane nonsense.  He agreed with me and apologized, but so what?  I also sent a note to my federal senator expressing my outrage, so far, I haven't received a reply... 

Do my readers realize what this means?

My brother-in-law died alone while being held captive in a hospital in that bastion of Marxist communism, Massachusetts... 

Disgusting!  Diabolical!

I reiterate, stay out of the hospital at all costs!  

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla

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