Sunday, May 1, 2022

Connecticut And Rhode Island -- Two Peas In A Pod!

 This is truly disgusting...

On April 24, I wrote this: 

The Communist "Catholic" State Of Rhode Island...

Now, its neighbor, Connecticut is outdoing Rhode Island in a most heinous way, see this article from Connecticut Set to Become ‘Place of Refuge’ for Abortion Patients (

Here is an excerpt from that article... "Connecticut is set to become a “place of refuge” for those who get an abortion after the state Senate passed a bill on Friday increasing abortion rights.

The Connecticut Senate passed the bill by a 25-9 vote, weeks after the bill passed through the state House. The bill now goes to Connecticut Gov. Ned Lamont for his signature, which he has already promised to provide."

As you have already probably figured out, Gov. Ned Lamont is a member of Satan's Demonrat (that's Democrat) party.  You know, the party that deals out death and horrendous mayhem to the tiniest and most defenseless of our species: the pre-born American baby girl and boy.

Now Connecticut joins its neighbor, "Catholic" Rhode Island, in making sure that the murderers of their babies will have a safe haven -- but not for the baby, of course! -- from those God fearing "nasty states" that pass pro-life, pro-baby legislation.  The evil and wicked politicians in both those states will come under the wrath of God's justice for killing His gift of life, or at least they should, if not in this life then in the next where no one escapes.  But they don't care, because it is apparent those pols don't believe in God in the first place!  Especially those in "Catholic" Rhode Island who have obviously apostatized from the Faith...

Again, between 70-80 percent of novus ordo "Catholics" no longer believe in the Real Presence of Christ in the Eucharist, that is, if they ever did, thanks to the demonic fruits of the Second Vatican Council...

So, in essence, Connecticut has joined Rhode Island in creating a New England Communist empire...

This is what happens when the courts enforce the non-existent "separation of church and state," that false doctrine which has been condemned by numerous real popes of the authentic Catholic Church, not the facade, the diabolical masquerade, that empty shell of wickedness that emanates from the mouth and pen of the Bishop of Rome, Bergoglio.

Heaven help us, and please Dear Lord, have mercy on our country!  

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla

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