Wednesday, May 4, 2022

MK-ULTRA Is Alive, And, Well, Not So Well...

 Though I agree, for the most part, with the following article by Jon Rappoport, there remains those poor souls possessed by the demon -- at least their intellects -- as was, and is, evidenced by the fury and hate displayed and directed at us pro-life folks after the "leaked" Supreme Court -- alleged -- decision to kill (no pun intended) the horrific baby-slaughtering decision of the Roe v Wade case... 

 COVID: shrinking words to create mind control « Jon Rappoport's Blog (

Warning: in the second to the last sentence of Mr. Rappoport's article, there is a word that some might find offensive...  Again, a warning! 

As an example, I contend that the mind control is still massively successful, and do in no small part to those in the powerful seats of government, with the fraudulent, incoherent, warmongering pervert, Biden, at the helm of what is left of the U.S. ship-of-state, poking the nuclear-armed Russian Bear with a very sharp stick...

In effect, we are already at war with Russia via proxy, by sending enormous amounts of our taxpayer monies to the corrupt actor-dancer-pervert, Zelensky, along with powerful weapons to arm the Ukrainian Nazis.  In point of fact, there is little accountability as to where the money and weapons end up!   Who has them?  Are they falling into the hands of the avowed Nazi battalions?  And will they eventually fall into the hands of known or new terrorist organizations, within or without the Ukraine?  No one in the U.S. military-industrial-complex, or in the White House seem to know -- or even care...

But getting back to the MK-ULTRA drug experiments of the 1950s and onward to the 70s, using our veterans (and many black vets!) as guinea pigs to satisfy the Frankensteins at the CIA, those experiments have morphed into brainwashing propaganda drilling into our heads the "necessity" of getting "vaccines" to be "protected" from the "pandemic," but the real purpose was to deliberately debilitate and kill as many young and formally vibrant athletes on and off the playing field -- and us -- but blaming it on another so-called "covid" "variant," hence, the need for continuous booster jabs... 

But it doesn't end there... We now know, or should know, that one of the most heinous goals of the new world order globalists is to reduce the human population of the earth to less than one billion people (half-a-billion, actually).  So that means that at least six to seven billion humans will have to be eliminated.   And how will that be done?  It can be through the use of the filthy, untested, deadly "vaccine," or through a quicker and even more devastating means: nuclear war with Russia and/or communist Red China...

The question begs: will the American people let the behemoth federal bureaucracy get away with this attempt to destroy our nation and our way of life without a fight, and leave this earth with a mere whimper?

This is where the "new form" of MK-ULTRA comes in: Just tune in to any "6-o'clock newscast" and see and hear the playbook that the mainstream, Marxist media use: the same words; the same phrases, over and over again, like the robots they are.  Useful idiots, that is... 

With all the distractions that surround us, it is apparent that there is an end to justify the means: keep the apostate "Catholic," Biden, protected by his handlers, from a ruinous economy causing untold suffering just as the quickly-fading "covid pandemic" along with all the fixins: lockdowns, jabs, fear and control, not to mention the coming food shortages, even higher gas prices (nearing $4-$5 a gallon in many states), and the revelation of even more corruption of Robert Hunter and its connection to the entire Biden crime family, in power, no matter what... 

And now the main "distraction": the real possibility of a shooting war with Russia -- not just by proxy... 

Remember, this is all by design; all planned to end America as we know it and become a slave state of the brutal communists (and globalists).  Sound extreme?  Perhaps, but look around you and see just how pliant and easily we were fooled over the last two years, thinking that if we take a breath of fresh air without a face diaper, we were all going to get sick and die...  

What's your poison: MK-ULTRA drugs, or a very successful campaign of brainwashing by the Marxist media?

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla



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