Sunday, May 22, 2022

Another Conspiracy Theory? Or Another Conspiracy?

 Get ready!  

If you think that "covid" is over, and things are getting back to "normal," think again...

Monkey see, monkey do...

This time, the monkeys -- and apes -- of mankind, are at it again, using monkeys to scare us to death, impose new face diaper and lockdown mandates -- and forcing "vaccines" -- to be injected into the arms of formerly free Americans.

This is all premeditated; all by design to bring us -- you and me -- down for the final count, and takeover of every aspect of our lives as well as opening up our country for a communist takeover...

Does that sound outrageous?  Does this sound like I'm wearing my tin-foil-hat?   Does this sound like this will never happen in the land of the free and the home of the brave??

Okay, fine, but look what we gave up over the last two years!

Look what we submitted to without firing a single shot: our freedom to move; our freedom to go bare-faced; our freedom to go to church; our -- FREEDOM, period!

And now the globalist anti-Christs are implementing their latest plan to control us using tree-swinging monkeys from Africa...

It's called "monkeypox"...

If you think that this is not planned, you are dead wrong!

Watch the following video and listen with your own ears to these diabolical maniacs -- they are in your face!  They don't even try to hide their filthy, deadly agenda...

From and before anyone dismisses Infowars being run by a bunch of wackos, I ask: who are the real wackos?  The rotten globalists and their minions in the White House as well as in the Tradition-hating Vatican...  As the novus ordo "church" goes, so goes society... 

Learn How Bill Gates Knew About the Monkeypox Outbreak and the Next Global Lockdown (

Pray for strength and honor for what is coming down the road...

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla



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