Monday, May 9, 2022

Isn't It True That Words Mean Things? If They Do, Then YOU And I Are The REAL Instigators Of Violence Over The Abortion "Issue"!!!!

  I'm not kidding!  YOU and I are the real threats to peace and security in America, just ask the "justice department", especially over the abortion "issue"!!!!

I have come to the conclusion that some folks are living in a parallel universe where two + two equals five or whatever you want it to equal.  Translation: pathological liars will lie right to your face -- and get away with it by convincing the dumbed-down American populace -- who have been brainwashed by watching the mainstream, Marxist media -- that the lie is, in reality, the truth -- and that the real truth is a lie!!

Take for instance, the days leading up to yesterday, Sunday, Mother's Day, where the ultra-leftist, Marxist media warned the American people to be on the lookout for -- YOU and I!   That's right, you and I would be the cause of violent protests against the death mills, known as "clinics" or "hospitals," and the "rights" of the baby killers would be denied and their access to those very same "clinics" to slaughter their pre-born babies in the womb, supposedly, the saftest place on earth for the tiny developing baby girl or boy, would have to do battle with -- US, you and I!

Notice that I am repeating myself here: US, you and I...  That's because it is you and I that are the real bad guys in the struggle to allow our pre-born brothers and sisters to breathe air and not be torn apart, limb from limb, or chemically dissolved in the womb of their "mothers"... 

Remember too, that it was you and I that threatened and carried out some of those threats against the Catholic churches with vandalism and disruptions of Masses across the country -- on Mother's Day!  

(It was good to see that even in L.A. the parishioners "escorted" the crazy protestors out of the cathedral when they attempted to interrupt Mass!)

These pathological liars are also prevalent in the government, especially when it comes to the useful idiots in the current regime occupying the White House and the secretaries of the various cabinet offices.  Take for instance, Alejandro Mayorkas, the head of the Department of Homeland Security... 

In recent days, this liar; this traitor, was grilled by various senators about the state of our porous, southern border and the hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens that have entered and continue to enter, our country without being vetted one iota.  Not only that, but he was also questioned about the radical Leftist that has been hired to head the "Disinformation Governance Board," Nina Jankowicz... 

The lunatic, Jankowicz, has a track record of being anti-American, and very anti-First Amendment...

The point is, is that Mayorkas couldn't answer simple, direct questions, about the humanitarian disaster at the border, nor about the appointment of Jankowicz...

To get a handle on these and other obfuscations of responsibility, and the twisting of words, please watch the following video...(5434) YOU GOTTA SEE THIS FOR YOURSELF! - YouTube.

But above all, get it through your think heads that YOU and I are the real bad guys!  

(Isn't it interesting how the radical subversives always accuse US of what they do???) 

And pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla



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