Wednesday, May 11, 2022

Want To See And Hear Evil? Here It Is...

  Many folks don't believe in God; others who do believe in God call Him a "higher power," and we -- who believe -- know that "higher power" is God Almighty!

Many folks don't think that evil exist either.  Makes sense.  If they don't believe in God, then why in the "hell" should they believe in evil or the devil??  (The devil being the personification of evil.)

Well, for all those who don't believe in God or evil, here are a couple of videos that should change the mind of the atheists and agnostics...

The first video concentrates on the depopulation of the earth to a billion people or less.  The second video will show evil in action at Catholic churches this past Mother's Day weekend...

(If one thinks that those who have been warning about the depopulation crowd are nutjob, conspiracy, tin-foil-hat wearers, then you will hear right from the mouth of one of these demons...)  

WATCH: Club Of Rome Announces Intention To Decrease World Population To One Billion (

The second video will show the fury, hate and evil of those whose hearts and souls are consumed with the diabolical thirst for the blood of our tiny innocent brothers and sisters in the womb.  

Warning!  There are scenes and language that are disturbing to normal, God-fearing people...

Tucker Carlson: Pro-abortion violence motivated by 'displacing God' and 'undermining Christianity' - LifeSite (

You will also hear that the so-called "justice department," and the Biden regime, are not concerned about the destruction and desecration of Catholic churches and those crises pregnancy centers whose charity seeks to help young, pregnant women.  

Ironic, isn't it, how some females howl and scream hate at those who want to help women and support life?!

By the way, wasn't it "pope" Bergoglio that welcomed Biden at the Vatican and told the apostate that he is a good Catholic and to keep receiving the Holy Eucharist??? 

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla




  1. Hello again, Gene. This is your old buddy Marceau, from the SBC. I've been away from your blog for awhile. Health and other things have slowed me up in recent months, but I'm back in business, I think.

    These so-called protests from the pro-death people are something else, aren't they? I don't think we've really seen anything near what they're capable of yet. It will probably get worse, but maybe that depends on how hard we pray. Tucker Carlson seems to be a good man, and I'm glad to see him hitting these guys hard.

    Keep up the good work, Gene. And I hope all goes well on your upcoming medical check-up. God bless you.


    1. Hi Bill...
      Very good to hear from you and to know you are getting back in the swing of things too! Yes, I think things will or can get much worse due to the fact that the current regime cares little for the God-fearing, they hate US and despise themselves too because we tweak their rotten consciences, as St. Paul tells us: if we show charity towards them, that pisses them off! Weird! God bless. Kathy will post the results of my scan (which is today!)... Gene


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