Monday, May 9, 2022

Anti-Abortion, Or Pro-Life? Even The "Conservative" Media Gets It Wrong -- On Purpose???

  The late Johnny Carson emceed a TV game show: Who Do You Trust, from 1957-1962

"In the quiz portion, Carson would tell the male contestant the category of the upcoming question; the man would then have to decide whether to answer the question himself or "trust" the woman to do so." (My emphasis.)

Who (whom) do you trust to tell you the truth?  The mainstream Marxist media?  Or the "conservative" alternate media?

I certainly don't trust the Marxist commies, and it is getting to the point that I don't trust much of the "conservative" media either!

As a prime example, read this headline from an article from Report: Madison Anti-Abortion Headquarters Set on Fire, Vandalized, Graffitied.

(Here is the link to the entire story: Report: Madison Anti-Abortion Headquarters Set on Fire, Vandalized (

Notice: "anti-abortion", rather than pro-life?   

Could it be that the writer of the article is a "closet" pro-abortion-sympathizer nutjob?  


And it riles me to see this slap in the face of true pro-life organizations being characterized as folks against something, such as God-given, Constitutional rights, instead of acknowledging they (we) are revealing the horrendous destruction of innocent, defenseless pre-born babies by those demonic culture-of-death satan worshipers...

This is not the only "conservative" media ( where I see this "mistake" almost on a daily basis.

So, can you and I trust even the so-called "conservative," alternate media?   

One only has to read most secular, mainstream media and see the intent and design here: to paint us pro-life, God-fearing people as some violent, radical threat to peace and security -- and even terrorists, as the current "administration" and the "department of justice" has characterized decent American parents who object to the indoctrination of their children in the bizarre and morally depraved public school system, while ignoring the beam in their own eyes!

Pray for discernment and pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla

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