Saturday, May 28, 2022

Evil Politicians Have Cast Their Lot With The Devil...

 That's a mouthful!  Can I prove it?

Sure: let those who have eyes to see, see, and those who have ears to hear, hear...

That is, unless one has his or her head buried in the sand unable to see or has his or her hands firmly pressing against their ears to shut out the evil of moral and spiritual turpitude that surrounds us -- blind spots, if you will, stemming from rejecting the good God Who redeemed us and made us free under His law...

Take for instance, those pols -- many of them "Catholic"!, especially in the so-called "blue states," that are dominated by their insatiable bloodlust to keep the killing of the pre-born "rare" but "legal," not to mention their unbridled support for the sin of Sodom...

I have to say, however, that it is not just in the "blue states" that this barbarism occurs, but also in what are labeled the "red states" by treasonous republicans-in-name-only (RINOs), who have betrayed their party, the Natural Law -- and, most importantly, God almighty.

The culture of death is so prevalent that movie makers use extreme violence to tantalize their audience with guns, bullets, sex, drugs, and mayhem to fulfill some unattainable sinful desires that appeals to the base instinct of mostly immature minds, not to mention video games containing the same...

Then, when some mentally twisted nutcase decides to shoot-up a school, the Left -- including many Hollywood elites -- attacks the inanimate object (a gun or other easily obtainable weapon) instead of getting to the root cause of why such a murderous attack happened in the first place.  

(The ultimate goal of the anti-Second Amendment bullies is to eradicate our right to defend ourselves against a tyrannical, behemoth, overreaching monstrosity that is the central government -- or rogues intent on shooting the innocent.  This is right out of the Marxist playbook: disarm, control and enslave.)

Most of the lunatic shooters over the years, are either psychologically disturbed, on some type of psychotropic drug, or suffered physical or mental abuse during their crucial formative years, some abuse coming from their own parents...

Even when such heinous incidents occur, the hard Left continues in their quest to defund the police or refuse to see the wisdom in having teachers armed while in school.  Again, this is the mentality of keeping law abiding citizens un-armed and at the mercy of the lunatics, especially those children under the charge of well-meaning, dedicated teachers.

Right after the recent shooting in Texas, the radical Demonrats -- and some deep state establishment RINOs -- joined forces to immediately sponsor more stringent "gun control" legislation, as if that works.

It doesn't and never will...

To repeat: the aim here is to disarm, control and enslave American citizens to the point of complete capitulation to those wicked treasonous politicians playing right into the hands of the enemies of human freedom -- and Christ!

One of the major reasons for the mayhem and death we see, is the weakness of what passes for the Catholic Church.  Specifically, the novus ordo, parallel "church" that continues to water down, ignore or outright reject the authentic Deposit of Faith entrusted to those bishops as successors of the Apostles for a few, dirty, pieces of silver, as did the "bishop", Judas... 

Be on guard!  And pray for the defeat of these traitors -- and for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene De Lalla



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