Tuesday, May 24, 2022

"Church Unity"? What A Diabolical Joke!

 I often hear cries for "church unity" from those who castigate and deride those who attend the former Elesia Dei, Traditional Latin Mass communities and the most beautiful thing this side of Heaven, worshiping our good God in the most sublime way known to man, as opposed to the mostly banal novelty of the novus ordo "mass" concocted by the Freemason, "archbishop" Bugnini...

The attacks come from the most modern of the modernists, including those hierarchs all the way from Rome trickling down to our own shores, presided over by such miscreants as "Cardinal" Cupich of the war zone of Chicago, to the "bravo" "Cardinal" of New York, Dolan, and most every other bishop and cardinal in between...

The "unity" they espouse can simply be translated thusly: get rid of the TLM as well as traditional orders of priests, nuns, brothers and their magnificent contemplative orders that pray for us, and the world at large, to beg God for forgiveness of our grievous sins committed against the Holy and most Blessed Trinity.

What we are witnessing is the very successful infiltration of modernists and communists into Holy Mother Church.  This is not something new, far from it... Over 100 years ago, 115 years to be exact, Pope -- real -- SAINT Pius X warned us -- and condemned -- modernism as the synthesis of all heresies!  

Things have gotten so bad in the novus ordo "church," that when a bishop -- archbishop, in this case -- condemns those "Catholic" politicians because of their radical support for the slaughtering of the pre-born, and -- finally! -- publicly announces that N. Pelosi can no longer be given the Holy Eucharist, another bishop, in this case a "cardinal," by the name of Wilton Gregory of D.C., says he will continue to allow Pelosi (and other "Catholic" pols) to receive holy Communion!

See the article from thegatewapundit.com... (Beware of some potentially offensive ads)...  Leftist DC Archbishop Gregory Stands with Pelosi and Her Abortion to Birth Policies - Will Not Order Priests to Refuse Her Communion (thegatewaypundit.com)

Why is that?

And what are the consequences of such disregard for the Body and Blood of the Lord?

To answer the first question, we have to take a look at Gregory and see his track record of outright liberalism (liberalism is a sin in itself!) espousing many leftist causes, as well as his support for those who participate in the sin that cries to Heaven for vengeance: the sin of Sodom.

To answer the second question, the Bible -- and authentic Church teaching -- is very clear... 

I would urge any of my non-Catholic friends to read and heed the words of our Lord concerning the Holy Eucharist in St. John, Chapter Six.  Also, it may be news to some that St. Paul warns us in 1 Corinthians, Chapter 11, verses 23 to 34, paying special attention to verses 27 and 29, (King James Version), corroborating the fact of the Eucharist in St. John, Chapter Six.

In other words, those who think that the explanation of the Eucharist in St. John is some type of a metaphor, you are very much mistaken...

How do we know this??

From what happens after the many disciples of the Lord "walked no more with Him."  (St. John, Chapter Six, verse 66, King James Version.)

Did our Lord call them back?  Did He say, "I really didn't mean you have to eat My flesh and drink My blood in order to have life in you"?

No.  He meant what He said!  And He didn't call the disciples back, in essence, leaving them to their own devices -- and their own fate...

The point here is that if the Holy Eucharist is received unworthily, that person condemns himself/herself by committing the grave sin of sacrilege...  This, added on to the sin of murder -- by supporting the killing of the pre-born -- is quite enough to send someone to hell for all eternity, that is, if they don't repent of their sins and make a firm purpose of amendment not to commit that particular sin ever again...

There is something else going on here that has to be considered: Pelosi, and any other Catholic politician, or doctor, or nurse, or "mother," or "father" of the pre-born that kills or supports the killing of the pre-born, are automatically ex-communicated from the Catholic Church!  

If that doesn't scare the offending sinner, and apparently it hasn't, then the bishop must publicly ex-communicate that obstinate individual for his or her own good, sending a wake-up call for the good of their soul!

So, where is the "church unity" here?

I don't see it...

So far, there have been several other bishops supporting the action of Archbishop Cordileone -- but not enough!  Every truly Catholic bishop must come to his defense and ultimately, to the defense of the Holy Eucharist, that is, if they really believe in the Real Presence of our Lord in the Eucharist...

Pray for a total return to Tradition and complete and total demise of the novus ordo, and pray for strength and honor for Archbishop Cordileone -- and for ourselves...

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla 

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