Sunday, May 29, 2022

Deadly "Vaccines" And The Ultimate Game Plan Of The Wicked Globalists...

  More and devastating evidence of the underreporting of adverse reactions -- and deaths -- from the "covid" "vaccines"... 

Watch this video and make up your own minds...

SHOCKING! MILLIONS Died From Vaccine! - The Numbers They DON'T Want You To See! (

Now, couple this data with the absolute aim of reducing the world's population by the anti-Christ, new-world-order globalists and you have a witch's brew of brutality and enslavement.  

You must watch the following videos and listen for yourself the diabolical plans for you and me...

BOMBSHELL: Dr. Judy Mikovits Exposes The Plan to Implant Humanity with Cancer Viruses (

Along with the above video, you will hear the audience clapping with glee about taking out half of the world's population by -- 2050?  2060?  2100?  

No.  By 2023!  Just around the corner...  Listen for yourself...

Emergency Saturday Broadcast! WAPO Reports Biden Preparing Plans For Martial Law (

Folks, we are at war with the powers of darkness and Satan, and his  minions, who hate life -- and Christ!

Hey, "pope" Francis, where are you??  Why aren't you condemning these demons??

Is it because you are a promoter of the new-world-order and population reduction?  

Is that too harsh a question?

Not really.  Why does "pope" Francis appoint the likes of Jeffrey Sachs -- a radical population reduction lunatic -- to Francis' "advisory boards"??

Remember, Bergoglio is a cunning traitor who, once in a while, throws out a "Catholic crumb" from the table of plenty to fool weak-kneed, poorly catechized, novus ordo "Catholics" totally brainwashed by the lies and corruption that emanates from Rome.

If we don't become aware of what these monsters are planning, then we will fall prey to their satanic scheme and die a thousand deaths.

Is martyrdom just around the corner??

Better to Live Free Or Die!  

Pray for strength and honor...

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla


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