Monday, May 16, 2022

Biden's Apostate "Catholic" Cabinet...

 That is, of course, if one recognizes the "presidency" and "cabinet" as legitimate in the first place...

For the time being, those are the demons that occupy the powerful seats of government in the U.S.  

Make no mistake, they are demons!  Their intellects are obviously possessed by the dark, evil powers from below...

To prove the point that I have made many times, that apostate "Catholics" are the worst enemies of the Natural Law, the Ten Commandments, and, most importantly, Christ, Our Lord.

Here is proof... But do you really need the proof??

Please read the following article from, written by Bill Donohue... Biden's Pro-Abortion Catholic Cabinet | CNSNews.

Here are a couple of excerpts from this damning article...

"The Secretary of Health and Human Services, Xavier Becerra, is one of the most extreme defenders of abortion-on-demand. He is loved by NARAL, the abortion giant, and has previously earned a zero rating from National Right to Life. He has no qualms about supporting partial-birth abortion, and his passion for abortion is so strong that it inspired him to attempt to close down crisis pregnancy centers in California when he was the state's Attorney General. He is most known for seeking to punish the Little Sisters of the Poor by relentlessly seeking to force them to pay for abortion-inducing services in their healthcare plans."

"Jennifer Granholm is Secretary of Energy. When she was governor of Michigan, she twice vetoed a partial-birth abortion ban and worked with other pro-abortion politicians to loosen abortion restrictions."

And this...  "Gina Raimondo is Secretary of Commerce. When she was governor of Rhode Island, she championed a law that would allow partial-birth abortions. She also signed a bill that codified abortion protections."

(There's the state of Rhode Island again... Remember, that Rhode Island has the largest "Catholic" population in the nation!)

If it walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, it can be assumed that it is a duck!  

What we faithful Catholics are dealing with in the current Marxist, anti-Christ regime are those apostate "Catholics" trying their dead-level best to fulfill the diabolical agenda of the new-world-order, population-control freaks to create a new world religion made in the image and likeness of man (in reality, it is in the image and likeness of the father of lies, Satan). 

We faithful Catholics get little help from the establishment, novus ordo hierarchy, instead they, for the most part, have the blood of innocents on their hands, if not directly, at least by being in agreement with the Demonrat politicians by not ex-communicating those radical, pro-death pols in their dioceses, as well as those lay folk who support the killing of the pre-born...

I contend that many of the schismatic, heretical, culture of death hierarchy should be ex-communicated also to send a holy message that if they don't change and be converted, they will end up losing their immortal souls... 

Pray for strength and honor and for these poor, possessed souls...

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla

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