Friday, May 20, 2022

These Poor Souls Are Living In A Parallel Universe Where Evil Is Good And Good Is Evil...

  I will post the links to prove my point, from

Pelosi: ‘I Say This as a Practicing, Devout Catholic…This is Not Just About Terminating a Pregnancy’ | CNSNews

Archbishop Cordileone of San Francisco Bans Speaker Nancy Pelosi From Communion | CNSNews

Pelosi on Possibility Court Overturns Roe: ‘It's Really Scary--And I Say That as a Practicing Catholic’ | CNSNews

Pelosi Recalls Obamacare: ‘Thank God for the Nuns, the Catholic Nuns, Who Supported the Legislation’ | CNSNews

Pelosi: ‘Each Generation Inherits a Sacred Obligation to Care for The Glory of God’s Creation’ | CNSNews

A Holy Week Message from President Biden: ‘When It Comes to Abortion…the President Believes in Codifying Roe’ | CNSNews

President Biden: ‘We Pray For…the Basic Dignity and Respect For All of God’s Children’ | CNSNews

President Biden Tells Members of Congress: ‘I Pray That We Follow What Jesus Taught Us’ | CNSNews

Nancy Pelosi: 'We Must Not Rest Until We Finally Achieve…Justice for All Our Children’ | CNSNews

Pelosi on President Biden: ‘His Irish Heritage in His Case Was Accompanied by Deep Catholic Faith’ | CNSNews

I could post many more, but is it necessary??

These people are truly twisted...

Pray for them and for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla

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