Sunday, May 15, 2022

Lunatic Shoots And Kills Numerous, Innocent Citizens In Supermarket In Buffalo, N.Y...

 Was this another drug-induced, MK-ULTRA false flag, phycological operation carried out by enlisting a punk, 18-year-old hater of life, and influenced by who, exactly?

Were actual drugs used to create another "Manchurian Candidate," or was the constant culture of death plastered across social media another form of drug that can easily corrupt an immature, Godless mind, coupled with the idea that one race is better than another and the "useless eaters" must be eliminated?   

Sounds a lot like the ideology that led up to the "final solution" of Hitler to create a superior race of Aryans, and kill those inferior Jews! 

As soon as this murder-spree went down, the liberal, anti-Second Amendment, Marxist media along with their useful idiots in political seats of power, went on the rampage themselves, only this time, it was to call for more -- more! -- ineffective gun control across the country.

From the female, apostate "Catholic" Gov. of New York, Hochul, to the radical racist mayor of N.Y.C., Eric Adams -- who claims that it is a female's right to abort -- kill, that is -- her tiny baby girl as she is about to be born into the world.  

What does the extremist mayor of New York and his diatribe on "abortion rights," have to do with the shooting in upstate New York?


His hypocrisy is normal for the abnormal, demonic Demonrats... Clamoring for the right to kill a developing baby, then, when an someone goes on a killing spree, they wonder why, or blame an inanimate object and call for even more "gun control," read: kill the Second Amendment and consign our right to keep and bear arms to the dustbin of history.

If that agenda ever comes to fruition, rest assured that our country will then be wide open to a "Red Dawn" from the likes of communist Red China, North Korea, or any other authoritarian, anti-Christ regime dead-set on enslaving all freedom-loving Americans and destroying our Republic...

I have a question: will the wimpish, RINO "Republicans" cower in fear if they attempt to report the other side of the story of that punk madman-killer, or agree with those Demonrats that more stringent gun control must be implemented at the federal level?

Your guess is as good as mine...

I have another question: in a state such as New York, it is almost impossible to carry a concealed weapon due to the radical, Leftist politicians who have put up so many roadblocks to get that treasured permit, that all but one of those shoppers killed in the market were unarmed... 

There was an armed guard -- Aaron Salter, a retired Buffalo police officer -- who shot the bad guy, but the bullet did not penetrate the bullet-proof vest, so the maniac was able to shoot and kill the guard!

None of the other citizens were armed, so they didn't even have a chance to fight for their lives and the lives of others...  

Is the visceral hate speech that emanates from the current regime occupying the Whtie House helping to embolden these lunatics?  I say yes.  It is we God-fearing, freedom-loving, pro-life folks as well as veterans who have been labeled as "white supremacists," "homegrown terrorists," the real "threats to our democracy," as the bad guys, while there are lenient sentences handed out to the real criminals, or no enforcement at all, especially in the "blue states".   

One prime example is that war zone known as Chicago, where mayor Lightfoot, already has, as of this date, over 1,000 people shot, and 220 homicides... Yet this poor excuse for a mayor -- is still mayor!!

Where is the outrage?  There is none, and yet 99 percent of those shot and killed in Chicago are black Americans, as was the case in the shooting in Buffalo...

It is the same black pols that are radical supporters of aborting their own race of pre-born babies!


Another form of deadly hypocrisy!

I urge all to pray for the repose of the souls of those killed in Buffalo, and beg for mercy for their eternal destiny, we can do no less...

Pray too, for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla




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