Wednesday, May 25, 2022

The Lopsided Slaughter Of Black Babies Continues: The Horrible Statistics...

  Very soon, the Supreme Court will officially release their decision -- their vote -- on the Roe v Wade fraud that led to the mass genocide of over 60,000,000 American babies since 1973...

Aside from the upcoming decision, it may be of interest -- it should be of interest! -- to note the most recent statistics (2019) from the CDC concerning those poor babies murdered in -- and sometimes out of the womb of their "mothers" -- infanticide, now "legal" in the state of Colorado!

The article I will imbed is from and written by Terence P. Jeffrey: Abortion Disproportionately Targets Black Babies; CDC: 74% of Abortions in Mississippi Were Performed on Black Mothers.

Here is the link: Abortion Disproportionately Targets Black Babies; CDC: 74% of Abortions in Mississippi Were Performed on Black Mothers | CNSNews.

If you notice, in all cases, in all states, except California, Maryland and New Hampshire, that did not report their abortion data for 2019 -- the percentage of black women having abortions is way above the percent of blacks to the general population...

In fact, the overall population of black Americans is about 13-14 percent of the entire U.S. population, but! the percent of black babies killed in abortion is around 33-34 percent!  This does not include the state of California!  (It should be noted that California, with about 39,000,000 population, does not report the babies they killed to the CDC, if they did, then the percentage of black babies killed in the womb would obviously be much higher!) 

I believe that one of the reasons for this horrendous statistic is the lack of a two-parent household.  The "single mother" phenomenon and its horrible consequences are apparent to all, or should be.  

If it were "just" the abortion of black babies, that would be bad enough, but there is another form of mayhem being perpetrated against our black brothers and sisters: black on black crime...

Look no further than the city of Chicago, run by the lesbian Marxist, Lightfoot... So far this year, there have been 1,147 people shot; 212 killed, with 235 total homicides under her disastrous watch.  Yet, this miscreant is still mayor!?  Unbelievable!

And who are the culprits who wholeheartedly support the slaughter of pre-born black American babies?  Well, none other than black "civil rights leaders" and black politicians! 

Pure demonic lunacy!

Pray for these poor souls, and pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla


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