Thursday, May 26, 2022

"...His Clandestine Deal With The Devil, The Chinese Communists."

  On May 24, 2022, I wrote: "Church Unity"? What A Diabolical Joke!

We -- faithful Catholics -- cannot, ever, have "unity" with evil!

We cannot claim to love God, and, at the same time, serve the father of lies, Satan -- for the sake of so-called "unity".  That is a spiritual impossibility.

Yet, there are continued calls for "church unity," but unity with what?  And how is this "unity" to be accomplished without betraying our Lord and His holy Church??

We hear cries, like: "for the sake of the church," or "we must be obedient to the bishop," or "we must recognize that the new mass is just as valid as the TLM"... Or nauseam.

Sorry, it is either or, but not both.

One of the major apes of the Church is the scourge -- the heresy -- of modernism, and this modernism can lead to Marxism and those evil fruits are being played out right before our eyes, not only in Red Communist China, but also right here in the U.S. of A...

It is called treason.

The current regime occupying the Oval Office are treasonous rats!  But what is even worse -- if that's possible -- are the traitors that occupy the seats of power in the Vatican, all the way up to and including the Bishop of Rome, Bergoglio.

Too harsh a statement?  Not at all.  How much proof do we need?  Ever since 2013, when Pope Benedict "resigned," there has been an in-your-face revolution headed by the newly installed "pope," Francis...

But if you do need more and damning proof, here it is...

Here is an article from The Remnant:  The Remnant Newspaper - The Poisoned Fruits of a Poisonous Deal*.  Written by Elizabeth Yore...

Here are a couple of excerpts from the article... They are disturbing to say the least... "No voice of freedom is more beloved or respected than the 90 year old emeritus Hong Kong Cardinal Joseph Zen and no one more feared by the CCP. On May 11, 2022, Beijing focused its furious crackdown on the frail, but mighty Prince of the Catholic Church and arrested Zen on trumped up charges of “colluding with foreign forces.”

And this from Archbishop Vigano... “The poisoned fruits of the Sino-Vatican Agreement are now apparent. The Bergoglian church prefers to remain silent about the persecution of Catholics who belong to the clandestine Church after having handed them over to retaliations at the hands of the patriotic sect and the Chinese Communist Party.”

“In exchange, Beijing rewards the Holy See for its services with substantial annual funding: the mercenaries allow themselves to be bought with thirty pieces of silver that are dripping with the blood of the martyrs of the Church of silence.”

End of excerpts...

Has the consecration of Russia actually happened??  As we take giant steps to a potential nuclear exchange with the Russian Bear, I think that something was seriously lacking in the supposed consecration.  I also contend that it is not only Russia that is spreading her errors, but also any nation that rebels against God, the Natural Law, especially denying the right of the pre-born to breathe air by the barbaric act of abortion as well as the sin of Sodom... 

We must continue to pray for the defeat of the diabolical agendas of the communists as well as those evil hierarchy attempting to stamp out Tradition, especially the Traditional Latin Mass of the ages...

And pray too for discernment -- and for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla

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