Tuesday, May 3, 2022

A Piece Of Human Debris Insults Blessed Mother Over Roe v Wade Supreme Court Decision...

  The information for this article is gleaned from breitbart.com: Hillary Alum Lauds Leaker: 'Brave Clerk' May Be Warning America of Roe Overturn in 'Last-Ditch Hail Mary Attempt' to Stop It (breitbart.com)

I am sick and tired of the blasphemies committed against God, His holy religion -- and His Most Blessed Mother!

It is bad enough to hear "sportscasters" using the "Hail Mary" when it comes to a long pass in a football game, but it is even more infuriating to hear the former press secretary for H. Clinton, Brian Fallon, use Christ's Blessed Mother regarding a "last ditch Hail Mary attempt to see if the public response might cause the Court to reconsider.”  What, death and mayhem as a "right"? (My emphasis.)   

As a practicing Catholic, I cannot (nor can you, whether Catholic or not!) imagine the Mother of Our Lord and Savior, being used in such a blasphemous manner, to save a "law" that resulted in the slaughter of between 60-65,000,000 MILLION! pre-born American baby girls and boys in the heinous act of abortion, since the infamous 1973 Supreme Court decision!  

Clinton, Brian Fallon and their murderous ilk have no idea what awaits them at their Particular Judgement, whether they believe that or not, it will happen!   May God have mercy on their souls, and those whose intellects are possessed by the demon, unable to recognize good from evil, as is evidenced from the howls, screams and outright threats against those who, at least, recognize the Natural Law and one of the sins that cries to Heaven for vengeance...

We live in a truly spiritually and morally sick society... As I have written many times, we get what we deserve, and I feel that the wrath of God's justice is quickly approaching...

Our Lady of Guadalupe, pray for us! 

Pray for strength and honor -- and for mercy!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla

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