Wednesday, September 11, 2024

"9/11" Revisited -- Again!

 Twenty-three years ago, nearly 3,000 Americans were sacrificed to solidify the establishment of the new-world-order, as announced by George H.W. Bush (Sr.), and carried out by George Bush (Jr.).

Now of course, he couldn't say that 3,000 innocent Americans died for the new world order, but if you look at the results of that "attack" on American soil, in essence, that's what has happened.

Even before the "attack," there was already legislation (the "Patriot Act") in the works -- to do what exactly??

To sacrifice our freedoms for "security"?

The answer is, yes.

We Americans were damn mad, and we wanted the culprit responsible for the twin towers coming down in lower Manhattan! 

We wanted them (him) at all costs.

And after twenty years of dead and maimed soldiers, the "mastermind" of the "attack" was supposedly killed by one of our Seal Teams.

I say supposedly...

There are reports that Bin Laden died somewhere around the latter part of 2001, some say that's nonsense.

Who's right??

One thing to consider, are the photographs of Bin Laden after 2001, then compare them to the early photos and see if they are the same, or two different people.

The latter photos show a "boxer's nose" -- flattened, as if he just 20 rounds with George Foreman! 

(Remember we recently saw "president" Biden step out of the White House walking up to say a few words?  Biden was about 6 or 7 inches taller and walked normally!  We all know that was not Biden, but he sure had a perfect face mask, designed by those at the CIA. Yes, there is a department at the CIA that produce master disguises.)  

If I'm not mistaken, recently, another "mastermind," who was being held in Guantanamo prison (Cuba), "confessed" to being the head guy in charge of the "9/11" "attack."

Have you ever seen a photo of that guy?

He looks as though he was just put through a meat grinder!

If you were, wouldn't you confess -- to anything??

So, who was it: Bin Laden, or???

Bottom line: the Godless globalist elites want to control our lives and our ability to worship our good God; stomp out the true Catholic Church and establish a religion of man using the template of Marxist communism, the tenets of the French Revolution -- including Freemasonry.

There is one more element to this equation: the weak and compromised novus order (new order) church.  They too, know exactly what they are doing, including the ongoing attempt to wipe out traditional orders of monks, nuns, brothers and sisters -- and stifling the Traditional Latin Mass of the ages.  If they are successful, we will be forced into the catacombs and suffer at least a white martyrdom... And as Cardinal Burke recently stated, be ready, we may have to suffer a red martyrdom (his words)...

Stay in a state of grace at all costs!

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

St. Joseph pray for us!!

Gene DeLalla 



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