Monday, September 23, 2024

The Lunacy Of The (Anti-Catholic) New "Religion" Of Earth Worship -- In The Novus Ordo...

Where else but in the novus ordo would you find earth worship?

Perhaps in other "religions," but certainly not in the true Catholic Church!

Now, the novus ordo not only has earth worship, but they also have a calendar containing an action idea for each day of the Season of Creation...

Want proof?

Here it is...Seeds of hope at Laudato Si' Circle in Villepinte, France - Vatican News

This is from the Vatican News agency, an official arm of the novus ordo, modernist Vatican.

Of course, this fits in with previous condemnations of "sins against the environment" that must be confessed -- in order to be saved??

I'll post this short but very obvious, in your face craziness for anyone who wants to expose this false diabolical agenda, including the new man-made "religion" made in the image and likeness of man -- that has absolutely nothing to do with Christ crucified and the salvation of souls -- the primary reason for the Church in the first place!

"Seeds of hope at Laudato Si' Circle in Villepinte, France
In the French city of Villepinte, near Paris, two parishes have kicked off the Season of Creation with Sunday Mass, joining together for hymns and prayers to mark the beginning of various activities they have planned for this season.

By Laudato Si' Movement

The parishes of St. Vincent de Paul and Notre Dame de l'Ascension in Villepinte, a city near Paris, France, kicked off the Season of Creation by celebrating the Feast of Creation. They spread the word about the activities of the Laudato Si' Circle that meets in the parish and what they are planning for the entire Season of Creation.

Laudato Si' Animator Sylvette Loubet was in charge of organizing the celebration and made sure that the participants were truly inspired by the theme of the season: “To hope and act with Creation”.

What is a celebration for Creation?

During the celebration of the Sunday Mass, parishioners participated by reciting together a prayer for Creation written by Pope Francis. A calendar containing an action idea for each day of the Season of Creation, lifting up hope throughout the month-long season, was distributed to each person.

The priest who celebrated the Mass, Father Olivier Jean Ferlin Fakiraniaina, a young man from Madagascar, was inspired by the Season of Creation for his preaching; and upon learning about the activity of the Laudato Si' Circle that meets in the parish to pray for Creation, he decided to join.

Impact of the faithful

After the mass, Sylvette spoke with some parishioners who were pleased with the way the celebration had gone. Although it is sometimes difficult to see how people are moved by such initiatives, “you often find out afterwards,” Sylvette says.

For her, people are moved and begin to act at home with little things, which, once we hear about it, “gives us a lot of hope,” she says.

“Last year we gave seeds to people at the end of the celebration and someone said to me, ‘You know, a flower grows.’ And he sent me a picture. Recently, she told me that the flower had given other seeds and she was giving them away to other people. Small actions like these show that people are becoming more and more aware," says Sylvette.

More Season of Creation activities

The Sunday celebration was the beginning of the Season of Creation agenda, which will continue in the parish until October 4.

On September 21, they will hold a prayer vigil, and on September 22 there will be a celebration of Creation at all parish Masses, with a walk and prayer in nature.

Finally, on October 5, the Season of Creation will close with a conference on St. Francis of Assisi and a Mass with a blessing for domestic animals. More information on the activities can be found on their Facebook page."

End of story... For now...

Remember how we were "treated" to the Pachamama idol worship a few years back, with "cardinals" and the "pope" "praying" in front of a piece of wood???

Yep, that's new the "church" of the novus ordo...

Let's hope -- and pray! -- that this thing dies a quick death and gets cast back to hell where it came from!

Pray for strength and honor and for discernment!

Viva Cristo Rey! Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

St. Joseph pray for us!!

Gene DeLalla

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