Thursday, October 31, 2024

The Disastrous Communion In The Hand Has Led To The Denial Of The REAL PRESENCE Of Our Lord!

 And you wonder why the novus ordo church is in such horrible shape -- and the world for that matter?

The diabolical Communion in the hand from the time of the arch-heretic, Luther, to the modern day "Luthers" posing as Catholic clergy...

And from the time of Pope Paul VI, and forward, there has been a horrific denial of Christ's REAL PRESENCE after the priest consecrates the bread and wine, mostly, I might add, in the novus ordo religion.  This is exactly what Luther wanted to accomplish, and it has been outrageously successful! 

I will now post a comment from Archbishop Vigano and his take on what a monstrous heresy Communion in the hand is, and the "great" apostasy that has infected over 1,000,000,000 -- that's BILLION -- poorly catechized Catholics worldwide...

From and written by Archbishop Vigano himself...

EXCLUSIVE: Abp. Viganò uses AI to show how Communion in the hand destroys belief in the Real Presence - LifeSite

0:00 / 5:54

"(LifeSiteNews) — The following is a brief reflection given by Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò after he was asked if he could comment on the findings of the largest survey of Catholics in the United States which found that the #1 reason for loss of faith in the Real Presence of Christ in the Eucharist is communion in the hand.

The poll conducted by the Real Presence Coalition confirms what was already evident when Paul VI authorized the modification of the discipline in this matter. First of all, it was clear that the so-called “reforms” imposed by a group of subversives Modernists did not respond to any request “from the grass roots.” Neither the Novus Ordo nor the new ways of administering Communion were the fruit of a real need of the ecclesial body. The opposite is true, however, that the so-called liturgical reform was intended to help spread the doctrine it contained among the clergy and the faithful, causing the πρᾶξις (praxis) to influence the δόξα (belief)The concept summarized by the adage Lex orandi, lex credendi has been widely adopted by the proponents of the conciliar reform, but in reverse and maliciously: in this case it is not in fact the oρθοδοξία (orthodoxy) that determines the ὀρθοπραξία (orthopraxy), but the ἑτεροπραξία (heteropraxy) that shapes the ἑτεροδοξία (heterodoxy).

The faithful who are asked to kneel to receive Holy Communion in the mouth are led by the gestures they make to recognize the Real Presence in the Sacred Species and to adhere to the corresponding Catholic doctrine. Similarly, the faithful who are asked not to kneel and to touch the Host with their hands end up believing the heterodox doctrine insinuated by the Reformed rites. This doctrinal change is further favored when the ritual change replaces an entirely opposite practice. 

This shows unequivocally that those who meddled with the Liturgy after the Council knew very well what would be the disruptive scope of the Novus Ordo in corrupting the Faith of the people of God. They did not explicitly modify the lex credendi, but wanted to express their deviations in the lex orandi, knowing full well that it would have been much easier to make people lose faith in the Real Presence by making them receive Communion standing and in their hands, rather than preaching these errors from the pulpits while continuing to administer Communion on their knees and in the mouth. The fact that the Hierarchy has imposed standing and holding Communion on the faithful has been perceived as a repudiation of the past and a rejection of previous doctrine.

The evidence for this reasoning is confirmed by an unusual source: ChatGPT, a conversational “artificial intelligence” app. I tried to interrogate ChatGTP not because I consider it a true form of intelligence but because its data processing system identifies causal relationships on the mathematical model and it is therefore interesting to see how an algorithm is able to detect what the mainstream narrative pretends not to see.

This is the question I asked:

If a Pope wanted to weaken the faith of Catholics in the Real Presence, how should he modify the rite of Communion? 

This is the answer I got: 

If a Pope wanted to weaken the Catholic faith in the Real Presence, he might consider some changes to the rite of Communion, such as:

    1. Simplified rituals: Reduce the number of ritual elements that emphasize the sacredness of Communion, such as worship or genuflection.
    1. Symbolic elements: Promote an emphasis on the symbolism of the bread and wine, rather than on their transformation into the Body and Blood of Christ.
    1. Verbal communication: Use language that highlights Communion as a commemorative act rather than an actual encounter with Christ.
    1. Modification of prayers: Change prayers and liturgical texts to reflect a more symbolic vision of Communion, minimizing references to the Real Presence.
    1. Flexibility in administration: Allow alternative forms of receiving Communion that may seem less sacramental, such as receiving it in a more informal form or without liturgical celebration.

These changes could contribute to a more muted view of the Real Presence among the faithful.

We know very well that so-called “artificial intelligence” is nothing more than a very fast computer system for the collection and analysis of a huge amount of data; but precisely for this reason we can understand how a machine without conscience knows how to answer a question clearly, revealing the premeditation and malice of those who have tampered with the Liturgy of the Church in order to tamper with the Church’s Faith.

In the face of the evidence of the subversive intentions of the conciliar revolution and the even more evident disaster that it has caused in the faithful and in the entire ecclesial body, it is indispensable to oppose a contrary action, which must necessarily consist, on the one hand, in the sine glossa rejection of the Novus Ordo and of the doctrinal and ecclesiological structure that underlies it; and on the other hand, in a full return to the traditional Apostolic Rite, which by the very admission of the proponents of Vatican II is incompatible with their “church.” This liturgical restoration cannot and must not be motivated by mere aesthetic or taste preferences, but by the awareness that the only lex orandi of the Catholic Church is the one sanctioned by two thousand years of uninterrupted and integral profession of the same Faith, and not the fruit of a heretical bricolage cobbled together by Freemasons and Protestants."

+ Carlo Maria Viganò, Archbishop

End of article...

We must pray and pray hard for the defeat of the heresy of modernism and for the conversion of the current regime of the hierarchy of the novus ordo, synodal religion back to orthodoxy and the Catholic faith!!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

St. Joseph pray for us!!

Gene DeLalla

Tuesday, October 29, 2024

The Devil And His Henchmen: "Cardinals" McElroy, Cupich Join "Fr." James Martin In Praising Synod On Synodality’s Final Text!

 Just when you thought that things couldn't get any worse in the new, novus ordo, synodal "church," comes these masters of deceit slobbering all over themselves because they think that their sin of Sodom will finally -- and officially? -- be recognized throughout what's left of the make believe "Catholic" church!

I almost don't want to post this article from and written by Michael Haynes, Snr. Vatican Correspondent


Because it is filled with an amazing display of heresy, apostasy and wolves in sheep's clothing gleefully forecasting the end of objective truth as taught by the real Catholic Church for 2,000 years and replacing it with some man-made concoction right out of the pit of hell! 

Their new "religion" will feature female clergy, and the rampant sin of Sodom, all the while allowing those wicked and evil thugs to continue to receive the Holy Eucharist, adding to their monstrous mortal sins blackening their immortal souls.

And instead of calling those sodomites and divorced and "remarried" Catholics to repentance, they're affirming them -- in their sin!

What a horrendous price these false shepherds will pay at their Particular Judgment, that is, if they even believe in God in the first place...

0:00 / 5:29

"VATICAN CITY (LifeSiteNews) — Cardinals Robert McElroy of San Diego and Blase Cupich of Chicago joined Father James Martin, SJ in praising the Synod’s conclusions and calling for immediate changing of the U.S. ecclesial sphere in line with “synodality.”

The “whole hierarchy is called to embrace this important effort of building a synodal, missionary church,” Cupich said Sunday, hours after the Synod on Synodality’s concluding Mass.

Speaking to the National Catholic Reporter (NCR) along with McElroy, Cupich praised the Synod’s final text after Pope Francis made the rare step of adopting the final document rather than writing an apostolic exhortation. So rare was it that Austrian Cardinal Christoph Schönborn said he had not seen the like in 40 years of attending synods.

READ: Synod final text calls for continued ‘process’ with synodal ‘listening’ and dialogue

The two American cardinals – who were received in private papal audience recently along with Cardinal Joseph Tobin of Newark, New Jersey – called for a reform of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops’ (USCCB) leadership structure. Cupich said that in light of the Synod it is “very clear from the document that this is what we’re supposed to do.”

McElroy called for setting up “a committee on synodality,” adding that “I don’t think there’s any escaping it.”

The Synod’s final document made strong calls for implementing increased lay roles through the Church, especially with regard to governance. Some further limits would be also placed on papal power, with the document arguing a pope cannot “ignore a direction which emerges through proper discernment within a consultative process, especially if this is done by participatory bodies.”

Reforming the U.S. church structure in line with synodality “has to come in at the top of the list,” Cupich said, adding that the USCCB must commit to “holding ourselves accountable for building a synodal, missionary church.”

The role of women and LGBT issues emerged last year as some of the most contentious at the Synod. This year, such questions were officially moved to study groups, with that of women (including female deacons) being addressed by Study Group 5.

But the Synod text echoes the recent words of Cardinal Victor Manuel Fernández, prefect of the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith, in saying that “the question of women’s access to diaconal ministry remains open.”

McElroy has previously expressed his personal support for ordaining women to the diaconate, although the Catholic Church infallibly teaches that such an eventuality is impossible. Expanding on this to the NCR, McElroy said that “obstacles” to advancing women’s role in the Church are due to “prejudices that women shouldn’t be doing certain things or that men should be preferred.”

He opined that there is a “cultural change that needs to take place so those obstacles aren’t present.”

“I myself am in favor of women being ordained to the diaconate, and I hope to see that happen,” he added, while attesting that there is a “visible challenge” of the sanctuary being “all male.” “That’s such a countersign to the life of the church.”

Another contentious issue is the Synod document’s proposal that liturgy and synodality between more intimately linked, and “to adopt celebratory styles that make visible the face of a synodal Church.” Referencing this, Cupich commented that “opportunities for lay involvement in the liturgy is (sic) not universally applied,” but added that some benefit could come from “looking at what point can there be testimony witness to the Gospel by the lives of people included in the homily presentation.”

Also speaking about the increased role of lay people envisaged by the Synod was Cardinal Jean-Claude Hollerich, relator general of the Synod. Late Saturday night, he said that lay people would see a “Church where they count, where they are important, where their talents, their gifts, their life experience, are important because they belong to the people of the baptized.”

Such an opening attitude in the Synod on Synodality has been recognized by Martin, who highlighted a “surprisingly positive” approach to “LGBTQ” questions at the 2024 session contrasted with the 2023 session.

While noting that the final document mirrors the 2023 synthesis report in avoiding using the term “LGBT,” Martin said that “I was surprised to find the conversations about LGBTQ Catholics much friendlier, much more relaxed and much more open this year.”

The Synod final text said that “unfortunately, others (synod participants) continued to experience the pain of feeling excluded or judged because of their marital situation, identity or sexuality,” thus alluding to LGBT issues and the divorced and “remarried.” (Paragraph 50: 333 votes for/22 against)

This passage in particular Martin welcomed: “There is a general consensus that the church needs to reach out to LGBTQ people, even if the term is not used. (Frankly, the inclusion of the word ‘identity’ was a pleasant surprise to me.)”

He praised the Synod for having allowed LGBT issues to now be “on the table” for discussion in the Church. “But in the past two years in the Synod Hall, the overall attitude towards LGBTQ issues seems to have changed noticeably – for the good. Much of that was a surprise to me. But the Holy Spirit is full of surprises.”

End of very disturbing article...

We must pray for the defeat of these modernist monsters -- and for their conversion to the Catholic faith!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

St. Joseph pray for us!!!

Gene DeLalla 

"The Pope’s Role Is Bound More Specifically By The Divine Positive Law — That Which Is Expressly Revealed By God — And The Natural Law."

 Let me repeat the title of my article: "The Pope’s Role Is Bound More Specifically By The Divine Positive Law — That Which Is Expressly Revealed By God — And The Natural Law."

That quote is taken from an article from and written by Emily Mangiaracina

Where were the hierarchy when the Freemason heretic, "Archbishop" Bugnini proposed the disastrous new "mass" to the very weak Pope Paul VI? 

I should mention, however, that there were at least two cardinals, Alfredo Cardinal Ottaviani and Antonio Cardinal Bacci, who warned the pope of the horror of the new "mass".

The following is the editor's note of The Ottaviani Intervention: A Critical Study of the New Mass...

(The entire letter can be read here: THE OTTAVIANI INTERVENTION.)

The New Order of Mass was introduced on April 4, 1969. On June 5, 1969 Alfredo Cardinal Ottaviani of the Holy Office, and Antonio Cardinal Bacci, along with a group of Roman theologians, presented Pope Paul VI with a Short Critical Study of the New Order of Mass. The Study contained a cover letter signed by Cardinals Ottaviani and Bacci, which warned that the Novus Ordo, "represents both as a whole, and in its details, a striking departure from the Catholic theology of the Mass as it was formulated in Session 22 of the Council of Trent". Among other points, the Study maintains that the faithful "never, absolutely never, asked that the liturgy be changed or mutilated to make it easier to understand." "On many points," the study says, "it has much to gladden the heart of even the most modernist Protestant." Furthermore, "the definition of the Mass is thus reduced to a 'supper'." "The altar is nearly always called the table." "The instruction recommends that the Blessed Sacrament now be kept in a place apart though it were some sort of relic." "The people themselves appear as possessing autonomous priestly powers." "He [the priest] now appears as nothing more than a Protestant minister." For these and many other reasons, the Critical Study concludes that to abandon our liturgical tradition in favor of a liturgy "which teems with insinuations or manifests errors against the integrity of the Catholic Faith is . . . an incalculable error." 


Now the article from

"(LifeSiteNews) — Renowned exorcist and theologian Father Chad Ripperger clarified that the pope cannot change the Mass in contradiction to Divine Positive Law, such as by changing the consecration in a way “that would invalidate it.”

Amid concerns that the Vatican could promulgate or allow further changes to the Mass after the Synod on Synodality, Fr. Ripperger recently discussed his book The Limits of Papal Authority Over the Liturgy with Dr. Robert Moynihan and Matt Gaspers of Inside the Vatican.

The exorcist first made the important distinction between power and authority, with power being the “ability to effect change,” whereas authority gives a person the right to determine something or enact change. “The only one who has absolute authority is God,” he pointed out. 

In his book, Fr. Ripperger shared a quote from then-Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger (Pope Benedict XVI) that expresses the limits of the pope’s authority over the liturgy, read aloud by Gaspers during September’s interview:

“The pope is not an absolute monarch whose will is law; rather, he is the guardian of the authentic Tradition and, thereby, the premier guarantor of obedience. He cannot do as he likes … His rule is not that of arbitrary power, but that of obedience in faith. That is why with respect to the Liturgy, he has the task of a gardener, not that of a technician who builds new machines and throws the old ones on the junk pile.”

The pope’s role is bound more specifically by the Divine Positive Law — that which is expressly revealed by God — and the natural law, Fr. Ripperger explained.

A key example of how the pope cannot change the liturgy is by changing the “words of the consecration” in a way “that would invalidate it,” said Fr. Ripperger, because this would violate the Divine Positive Law commanded by God when Christ said during the Last Supper, “Do this in commemoration of me.”  

This also means the consecration — by which the Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Christ Jesus is made present in the Eucharist — cannot be omitted, which it is speculated may occur in the experimental, so-called “Amazon Rite” of the Mass, according to Return to Tradition’s Anthony Stine.

The pope also cannot “insert something into the liturgy … that is contrary to the natural law,” such as the” worship of pagan idols,” the exorcist added. 

Gaspers highlighted the priest theologian’s point that because the Catholic faith is unchanging, and because the liturgy is based on the faith, changes to the Mass regarding its fundamentals are unthinkable.

“Given the fact that the deposit of Faith does not change and constitutes the Lex or the law around which the liturgical development hinged only an organic development can legitimately be envisioned,” Gaspers quoted from Fr. Ripperger’s book.

The exorcist said he stressed in his book that “It’s not up to us to determine how we worship God,” pointing to the Old Testament as evidence of this, since God was “very exact” in dictating how the liturgy is supposed to be done at the time.

“Even Christ said, ‘Do this in commemoration of me.’ So he’s being very specific about certain things that have to be done” in the liturgy, Fr. Ripperger said. “And it’s up to God to make those determinations.”

He noted that the pope does have “a little bit of latitude” regarding the “accidental” parts of the Mass — that is, its externals, which have in fact “developed over time” — but these cannot attempt changes to the fundamentals: the faith itself, Divine positive law and natural law.

“Ultimately,” we must recognize that God has determined how we are to worship Him, Fr. Ripperger said, which is why “tradition is so key,” and he delves into the importance of this in his book.

“Because it’s precisely through tradition that what God taught us about these matters comes to us,” said the exorcist, noting that Scripture is also considered part of tradition.

“So the point being is that it’s precisely through these things that are passed on to us from the very beginning, from the time of the Apostles until now, that we actually know this is what we’re supposed to do,” he continued.

In other words, “the longer something is in the liturgy, the more we know it’s the will of God that it be used there,” Fr. Ripperger said.

His analysis appears to suggest problems with the Novus Ordo Missae, as well as warn of potential coming changes to this Mass, or of a new Mass (“Mass”?) altogether. Indeed, Fr. Ripperger, Gaspers and Moynihan alluded to the damage the Novus Ordo inflicted on people’s faith due to the sudden onset of many radical changes to the liturgy.

“When you have that many number of changes” to the Mass, “ultimately … what happens is … it gives them the impression that the faith itself could change, or the content of the faith could change,” said Fr. Ripperger, adding that he is “not the only person that’s drawn attention to that particular issue.”

In fact, according to Fr. Ripperger, St. Thomas Aquinas himself said that if the law is changed too frequently, the force of the law is eventually eroded."

End of article...

The new "mass" was -- and still is -- a chastisement for our lukewarmness, and, in some cases, the complete disregard of the precious gift of the faith won for us from the Sacrifice of the Cross by Our Lord!

We get what we deserve, don't we?

Pray for the defeat of those modernists who are still wreaking havoc in the novus ordo, synodal "church," and for the conversion of Bergoglio to orthodoxy and the true Catholic faith!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

St. Joseph pray for us!!

Gene DeLalla 

Friday, October 25, 2024

"...The Male-Only Ordained Orders Relegated To A Side Show."

 This may very well be the face of the new novus ordo, synodal "church"!

On October 21, 2024, I posted this article: 

Time Not Ripe For Women Deacons Says Pope. ..."For The Moment"...

But!  It might happen sooner than you or I think!

Here is the latest nonsensical -- heretical!! -- lunacy from those masters of modernism appointed to the most powerful and influential offices in apostate Rome by Bergoglio: Cardinal Fernández says question of female deacons is not closed, citing Pope Francis - LifeSite

The above article from was written by Michael Haynes,
Snr. Vatican Correspondent

Commnet: It appears that even that which is declared as infallible by a previous pope holds no weight or water, and can be ignored by a future "pope" and his henchmen as has been illustrated many times since the installation of Bergoglio back in 2013...

The idea that females can be ordained to the diaconate -- or even the priesthood -- has been thoroughly squashed since the beginning of the true Church.  But that doesn't stop the modernists from trying to make the novus ordo "church" into their own image and likeness, devoid of the Holy Ghost and sanctifying grace which is absolutely necessary for salvation.

These thugs are so emboldened they don't even try to hide their heresy and apostasy!

The following article will show you, in spades, how no means yes, evil is good, orthodoxy and tradition is evil because it is too "rigid" and archaic...

0:00 / 7:05

"VATICAN CITY (LifeSiteNews) — While meeting with members of the Synod on Synodality, Cardinal Victor Manuel Fernández informed them that the topic of female deacons is not closed, but simply “not ripe” for making “a decision today.”

In a 90-minute meeting on Thursday afternoon, Cardinal Fernández once again peddled confusion on the topic of female deacons, in the latest development of a furor which emerged in the Synod hall in recent days.

One of the most contentious topics pertaining to the Synod on Synodality, the issues of women in the Church and also that of female deacons, are officially designated to Study Group 5, lead by Monsignor Armando Matteo of Fernández’s Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith (DDF).

Synod members, especially buoyed by vocal voices outside the Synod and in the press, expressed consternation when Fernández briefed Synod members at the beginning of the month about the issue, saying that no approval would be given to female deacons at the moment but that “in-depth study” would continue until 2025.

A meeting between Synod members and some DDF personnel proved unsatisfactory and a “disaster,” prompting Thursday’s event attended by some 100 Synod members and participants.

The cardinal repeated his prior phrase of female ordination not being “ripe,” but gave considerable hope to those who still advocate for it:

The expression that the topic of diaconate for women is not ripe to make a decision today. This is a phrase of the Pope, not less.

By that phrase, said Fernández, Francis “doesn’t want” to be “closing the issue of the diaconate.”

No, he says one can still study with patience and without obsession, without haste. One can continue to study and that is very important. But he thinks things are not yet mature.

As LifeSite has reported often, calls for a new prominence for women in the Church – made in conjunction with demands for female ordination – appear increasingly likely to end up in attempts at divorcing the diaconate from the sacrament of holy orders, in order to allow men and women to access it.

In order to do so, a push would be made to remove ecclesial governance from holy orders, thus having leadership open to men and women, and the male-only ordained orders relegated to a side show.

Fernández has given repeated indications of this, but none more visibly than during his meeting on Thursday.

“It is crucial to clarify in which areas in the Church authority and leadership flow from ordained ministry and which do not,” he told the assembled Synod participants. “Leadership tasks and functions do not require ordained ministry as much as specific skills and personal aptitudes. Such deepening will help us to be a more synodal Church.”

Fernández’s personal opinion

The Argentine cardinal is no stranger to controversy, perhaps most notably of all in his book on kissing.

Perhaps aware of possible controversy on this issue also, Fernández attempted to partially assuage the activist of female ordination and Catholics attentive to preserving Church teaching.

Giving his “personal opinion” on the topic as “a theologian, not as a prefect,” he stated that he could see arguments for and against female deacons.

READ: Top Synod cardinal says ‘female deacons’ are a ‘natural deepening of the Lord’s will’

“I think the fundamentals for ‘no to the female diaconate’ are reasonable, but they are not sufficient,” said Fernández, thus revealing that he does not align with the Church’s clear prohibition on the topic.

“The grounds for ‘yes’ [to female ordination] are still not enough to answer the negative opinions,” he added.

The Argentine acknowledge that thus position would not please either side:

And with this sincere opinion I am not pleasing anyone, I do not get from the right or the left. Conservatives will say ‘he is a fool who did not understand that it is impossible to ordain deaconesses, that contrary to dogma, tradition and so on.’

Progressives will say I didn’t understand that there is nothing logical or reasonable about refusing ordination, that it’s just medieval fixism, etc.

Waving aside both forms of criticism, Fernández urged immediate action of some kind regarding the “clear steps forward for an empowerment of women in the Church, distinguishing what is absolutely inseparable and sacred from what is not.”

“In this point, however, I believe we must already move forward without waiting,” he noted.

Study Group and Catholic teaching

The Study Group is run by, and largely comprised of, the DDF members. Some of the consulters are Francis’ favored canonist Cardinal Gianfranco Ghirlanda and the pro-contraception theologian Father Maurizio Chiodi, along with leading Synod on Synodality personnel such as Fathers Giacomo Costa and Dario Vitali.

Additional members, including some of the cardinal consulters to the DDF, are Cardinals Cristophe Schönborn, Jose Tolentino de Mendonca, Marcello Semararo, Claudio Gugerotti, and Archbishop Bruno Forte.

Fernández also added that the Amazon’s Cardinal Ulrich Steiner “will help us in this sense,” namely in advising the Study Group about his experience in the Amazon, where – as he has attested – women largely take the role of clergy and even receive a laying-on of hands from Steiner to perform their duties.

READ: Amazon cardinal ‘lays hands’ to confer ‘ministry’ on women going to ‘celebrate a sacrament’

In addition, a commission set up in 2020 to study the question of female deacons, and which is led by Cardinal Guiseppe Petrocchi, has been reconvened alongside Study Group 5.

Notwithstanding the ongoing discussion about female deacons, the Catholic Church clearly and firmly prohibits the practice. In his 1994 apostolic letter Ordinatio Sacerdotalis, Pope John Paul II taught, “I declare that the Church has no authority whatsoever to confer priestly ordination on women and that this judgment is to be definitively held by all the Church’s faithful.”

In 2018, then-prefect of the DDF Cardinal Luis Ladaria Ferrer, S.J., defended the teaching of Ordinatio Sacerdotalis as bearing the mark of “infallibility,” with John Paul II having “formally confirmed and made explicit, so as to remove all doubt, that which the Ordinary and Universal Magisterium has long considered throughout history as belonging to the deposit of faith.”

Additionally the Vatican’s International Theological Commission wrote in 2002 that the much misrepresented so-called “female deacons” of the early church – cited by activists today – were not in fact deacons as understood today, and were certainly not ordained to any ministry.

With Study Group 5 due to report in June 2025, it remains to be seen how closely Catholic teaching will be adhered to by the members in their recommendations to the Pope."

End of article...

These modernist monsters will never give up, they will use incrementalism (or mission creep as we say in the military) to get their way and establish the foundation for the anti-Christ -- the man of sin! -- to rein from the Chair of St. Peter!

Pray for their defeat and for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

St. Joseph pray for us!!

Gene DeLalla 

Devastating Implications Of Heretical "Cardinals" Voting In The Next Conclave! (The Sedevacantists Will Have A Field Day, Proving They Are "Right"!)

 Think about the horrific implications of heretics voting for the next pope! What are some of those implications? How about the fact that a ...