Saturday, October 12, 2024

SoS Sat Report: 'Without Synodality There Is No Chance The Church Is Going To Survive'

 Notice the headline: "Without synodality there is no chance the Church is going to survive."

This is the face of the new, novus ordo!

So, the gates of hell will prevail against the true Church???

I would like to emphasize a paragraph delivered by a Chinese Archbishop praising the 2018 diabolical agreement between Communist Red China and apostate Rome!

"The other major news is that for the first time a bishop from mainland China gave an intervention at a Synod of Bishops. Archbishop Joseph Yang Yongqiang of Hangzhou, “praised the benefits resulting from the 2018 Agreement between the Holy See and China.”'


I can only presume that this supposed archbishop was one selected by the CCP, in other words, he is a communist masquerading as a Catholic bishop and is a member of the "patriotic association" -- approved by the commies!! 

Note that faithful Catholic Chinese have been thrown under the bus!  And with the renewal of this demonic agreement, churches have been destroyed, pictural icons of the brutal dictator, Xi, have been placed inside Catholic churches and chapels!!

(Also note that all emphasis will be mine.)

Quite frankly, some of the non-Catholic nonsense in this article is insulting to faithful Catholic women!  See if you agree...

The big news at the Synod is that Study Group 5 which is dealing with the question of the female diaconate, is subject to and must follow the Dicasterial procedures of the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith, unlike the other 9 study groups, because the subject had already been entrusted to the Dicastery by the Holy Father prior to the Synod’s request, “with a view to the publication of an appropriate document.” The Dicastery which has already heard from the bishops and cardinals in the regular meetings of the Dicastery on the topic, is now in the consultative phase, with “the consultors who will provide the basis for the document have already been consulted.” However, the rest of the consultation phase is expected to include the views of women who are not consultors. “All members and theologians of the synod can send opinions and aids in the coming months. On the 18th, two theologians from the dicastery will be available to receive proposals on the topic in writing or orally.”

The other major news is that for the first time a bishop from mainland China gave an intervention at a Synod of Bishops. Archbishop Joseph Yang Yongqiang of Hangzhou, “praised the benefits resulting from the 2018 Agreement between the Holy See and China.”

Ecclesial discernment

The big topic of the day was ‘Ecclesial discernment’, with interventions touching on subjects and criteria, different levels of responsibility, and the role of ordained ministers, the place of the laity in selecting candidates to the priesthood and episcopate.

One proposal that was mentioned was entrusting women with the ministry of ‘listening.’ This would be a prominently a women ministry complementing the parish priest, the deacon, and the catechist. This an actual quote from the Synod "women know how to listen, and they listen in a different way, and they could do it as a service, as something totally different to Confession (the sacrament).” Someone had the idea of making those agony aunt newspaper columns from the last century, an instituted ministry in the Church solely for women.

Young People in Ecclesial Discernment

A proposal was made to entrust young people with the mission of youth pastoral care, “young people, not adults who act as young people, so as to enter into dialogue with their peers trapped in new age ideologies or nihilism.”

The topic of children was addressed, one intervention mentioned “children forced into arranged marriages for family interests, young girls who are forced to become prostitutes or become the victims of human trafficking, seminarians who come from non-Christian families, or who are forced into the priesthood by honour, and about children who have to come to terms with their homosexuality.” All of this to say that the aim of the Synod is not to produce documents, but instead to inspire action on these issues.

The biggest applause in the Synod Hall was for a mother, who after hearing all the interventions on Christian initiation, 71 in total, was deeply concerned that “there is not enough talk about Christian initiation for the little children”, so much so that she asked “for words of help to raise them in the Christian faith.” This is one of the biggest failures of the Church since Vatican II. The Church did not foresee the big shift in Western culture, that of women entering the workforce. Economic pressures have also necessitated for both parents to work, so long where the days of the mother staying at home teaching the faith to her children, telling the stories of the saints, teaching them to pray. The situation has been compounded by the massive increase in divorce. These are real issues facing the Church today, not the question of women’s ordination. How can we better cathecise children?

This mother added, “What does the assembly say about the role of parents, grandparents, Christian godparents in contributing to synodality on listening and discernment from childhood? We need to raise children so that when they grow up, they will go to Christ.” I think what has happened is that, over the last few decades, parents have relied on the Church to do all the work, with the results plain for all to see.

Parish Priests and Synodality

At the Synod “there was talk about priests, in particular about their loneliness, and their work overload.” This was used to explain why parish priests have been somewhat disengaged by Synodality, because of “heavy burdens, manage several communities, and have imposing administrative burdens.” This might be true, and if it is, it a damning indictment on the Vatican introducing the Synodal Process in the middle of a global pandemic, on men already stretched to their limit. Synodal is supposed to be decision making from the ground up, yet it has been imposed in a top down manner.

***My comment here***

The obvious priest shortage in solely in the novus ordo "religion"!  There is an abundance of vocations in the traditional Catholic movement (faith), with seminaries overflowing with applicants! 


It was also mentioned that the Synod should work to revive their vocations, by mandating more bureaucracy at a Parish level, such as “endowing each parish with economic councils and possibly also structures involving several parishes to help parish priests in their service.”

Is Synodality the cure for the Church on life-support in places like Belgium?

Permanent Deacon Geert De Cubber, of Ghent, Belgium, a former journalist and theologian, used stark, almost apocalyptic language at the Synod Briefing describing the absolute necessity of Synodality for the Church.

He said; “It is a matter of, to put it very bluntly, survival. If we don't march a Synodal way I think there is no chance that the Church in Belgium, for instance, will survive. I think as well that Synodality could be the answer to huge crisis we are facing in Belgium, when it comes to for instance sexual abuse. So that is the way we are called to go. It is as simple as that. There is no escaping from the Synodal way of moving forward with the Church.”

My comment: This is complete lunacy -- and points to desperation and apostasy brought on by the modernist monsters before, during and after Vat. II.  By stating this craziness, it directly contradicts Our Lord's proclamation that the gates of hell will never prevail against His -- TRUE church! 


I think one of biggest problems facing the Church, is that most people don’t know how dire the situation is in places like Belgium. Pope Francis received an incredibly hostile reception. I include the Holy Father as one of those who did not appreciate the scale of the problem. I think after visiting Belgium and the disrespect he received from Leftists, those in politics and those in the Church, he now knows the scale of the problem the Church is facing. I’m afraid to say that Synodality isn’t going to fix the problem, radical witness to the Gospel and the teaching of Christ will, like it has in every age since the incarnation, and as it will continue to do until His second coming."


The new novus ordo synodality is a witch's brew of the zeitgeist and destructive modernist heresies, instead of concentrating on the primary purpose of the Church in the first place: the salvation of souls!! 

"Dialogue," "listening," "ecumenism," compromise and appeasement to the zeitgeist accomplishes nothing!  

Remember, we are dealing with ravenous wolves in sheep's clothing who care nothing for the flock of Christ, but their own quest for power, position, control -- and lust for the flesh

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

St. Joseph pray for us!!

Gene DeLalla 

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