Thursday, October 31, 2024

The Disastrous Communion In The Hand Has Led To The Denial Of The REAL PRESENCE Of Our Lord!

 And you wonder why the novus ordo church is in such horrible shape -- and the world for that matter?

The diabolical Communion in the hand from the time of the arch-heretic, Luther, to the modern day "Luthers" posing as Catholic clergy...

And from the time of Pope Paul VI, and forward, there has been a horrific denial of Christ's REAL PRESENCE after the priest consecrates the bread and wine, mostly, I might add, in the novus ordo religion.  This is exactly what Luther wanted to accomplish, and it has been outrageously successful! 

I will now post a comment from Archbishop Vigano and his take on what a monstrous heresy Communion in the hand is, and the "great" apostasy that has infected over 1,000,000,000 -- that's BILLION -- poorly catechized Catholics worldwide...

From and written by Archbishop Vigano himself...

EXCLUSIVE: Abp. Viganò uses AI to show how Communion in the hand destroys belief in the Real Presence - LifeSite

0:00 / 5:54

"(LifeSiteNews) — The following is a brief reflection given by Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò after he was asked if he could comment on the findings of the largest survey of Catholics in the United States which found that the #1 reason for loss of faith in the Real Presence of Christ in the Eucharist is communion in the hand.

The poll conducted by the Real Presence Coalition confirms what was already evident when Paul VI authorized the modification of the discipline in this matter. First of all, it was clear that the so-called “reforms” imposed by a group of subversives Modernists did not respond to any request “from the grass roots.” Neither the Novus Ordo nor the new ways of administering Communion were the fruit of a real need of the ecclesial body. The opposite is true, however, that the so-called liturgical reform was intended to help spread the doctrine it contained among the clergy and the faithful, causing the πρᾶξις (praxis) to influence the δόξα (belief)The concept summarized by the adage Lex orandi, lex credendi has been widely adopted by the proponents of the conciliar reform, but in reverse and maliciously: in this case it is not in fact the oρθοδοξία (orthodoxy) that determines the ὀρθοπραξία (orthopraxy), but the ἑτεροπραξία (heteropraxy) that shapes the ἑτεροδοξία (heterodoxy).

The faithful who are asked to kneel to receive Holy Communion in the mouth are led by the gestures they make to recognize the Real Presence in the Sacred Species and to adhere to the corresponding Catholic doctrine. Similarly, the faithful who are asked not to kneel and to touch the Host with their hands end up believing the heterodox doctrine insinuated by the Reformed rites. This doctrinal change is further favored when the ritual change replaces an entirely opposite practice. 

This shows unequivocally that those who meddled with the Liturgy after the Council knew very well what would be the disruptive scope of the Novus Ordo in corrupting the Faith of the people of God. They did not explicitly modify the lex credendi, but wanted to express their deviations in the lex orandi, knowing full well that it would have been much easier to make people lose faith in the Real Presence by making them receive Communion standing and in their hands, rather than preaching these errors from the pulpits while continuing to administer Communion on their knees and in the mouth. The fact that the Hierarchy has imposed standing and holding Communion on the faithful has been perceived as a repudiation of the past and a rejection of previous doctrine.

The evidence for this reasoning is confirmed by an unusual source: ChatGPT, a conversational “artificial intelligence” app. I tried to interrogate ChatGTP not because I consider it a true form of intelligence but because its data processing system identifies causal relationships on the mathematical model and it is therefore interesting to see how an algorithm is able to detect what the mainstream narrative pretends not to see.

This is the question I asked:

If a Pope wanted to weaken the faith of Catholics in the Real Presence, how should he modify the rite of Communion? 

This is the answer I got: 

If a Pope wanted to weaken the Catholic faith in the Real Presence, he might consider some changes to the rite of Communion, such as:

    1. Simplified rituals: Reduce the number of ritual elements that emphasize the sacredness of Communion, such as worship or genuflection.
    1. Symbolic elements: Promote an emphasis on the symbolism of the bread and wine, rather than on their transformation into the Body and Blood of Christ.
    1. Verbal communication: Use language that highlights Communion as a commemorative act rather than an actual encounter with Christ.
    1. Modification of prayers: Change prayers and liturgical texts to reflect a more symbolic vision of Communion, minimizing references to the Real Presence.
    1. Flexibility in administration: Allow alternative forms of receiving Communion that may seem less sacramental, such as receiving it in a more informal form or without liturgical celebration.

These changes could contribute to a more muted view of the Real Presence among the faithful.

We know very well that so-called “artificial intelligence” is nothing more than a very fast computer system for the collection and analysis of a huge amount of data; but precisely for this reason we can understand how a machine without conscience knows how to answer a question clearly, revealing the premeditation and malice of those who have tampered with the Liturgy of the Church in order to tamper with the Church’s Faith.

In the face of the evidence of the subversive intentions of the conciliar revolution and the even more evident disaster that it has caused in the faithful and in the entire ecclesial body, it is indispensable to oppose a contrary action, which must necessarily consist, on the one hand, in the sine glossa rejection of the Novus Ordo and of the doctrinal and ecclesiological structure that underlies it; and on the other hand, in a full return to the traditional Apostolic Rite, which by the very admission of the proponents of Vatican II is incompatible with their “church.” This liturgical restoration cannot and must not be motivated by mere aesthetic or taste preferences, but by the awareness that the only lex orandi of the Catholic Church is the one sanctioned by two thousand years of uninterrupted and integral profession of the same Faith, and not the fruit of a heretical bricolage cobbled together by Freemasons and Protestants."

+ Carlo Maria Viganò, Archbishop

End of article...

We must pray and pray hard for the defeat of the heresy of modernism and for the conversion of the current regime of the hierarchy of the novus ordo, synodal religion back to orthodoxy and the Catholic faith!!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

St. Joseph pray for us!!

Gene DeLalla

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