Saturday, November 2, 2024

Watch And Heed: "Synodal" "Cardinal" Admits That A New, New "Mass" Is Needed In Order To Conform To The "New" "Synodal" Church!

 If you are sick and tired as I am regarding the diabolical news emanating from apostate Rome, still, I must beg you to watch, listen, and heed this one more piece of the puzzle that these non-Catholic imposters want to fit into their new synodal "church."

This short video (less than 10 minutes) from, is tough to listen to, but confirms the demonic intention of completely destroying the real Catholic Mass of the ages in order to conform to the idolatry of a man-centered "mass" of the new, new synodal "church"! 

This is right out of the deepest pit of hell and continues the horrendous rebellion of the former Augustinian Friar and arch-heretic, Martin Luther's almost complete success in negating the aim of the Mass in the first place: the Holy Sacrifice of Our Lord -- and replacing it with a communal meal of the "people of God." 

Listen closely and judge for yourself, then decide whom you should obey and follow in order to save your immortal soul!

God or man?

Practicing Catholics know the obvious answer...

Vatican Cardinal Admits That A New New Mass Is Needed

We must pray ardently and continuously for the defeat of these modernist monsters -- and for their conversion to orthodoxy and the Catholic faith!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

St. Joseph pray for us!!

Gene DeLalla 


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