Friday, November 8, 2024

Why Is This Vile, Heretic Creature Still Wearing The Roman Collar While The Real Servants Of Christ Are Persecuted And "Excommunicated"?

 I'm almost sorry that I have to post this next article from and written by Stephen Kokx but the truth shall set us free!

Fr. James Martin writes blog comforting ‘LGBTQ people’ who are ‘afraid’ after Trump’s victory - LifeSite

It is apparent to me, that the wolves in sheep's clothing are guarding what remains of the new, novus ordo, synodal henhouse, ensuring the final nail in the coffin of the anti-Catholic, anti-tradition concoction formulated by a known Freemason and arch-heretic "archbishop" Bugnini, at the demonic second Vatican council.

Remember, the Protestant ministers who attended the council, commented that now they could use the new "mass" in their service!


Because it was the fulfillment of the other arch-heretic, and Luther's goal, to destroy the real sacrificial nature of the Mass and turn it into a communal meal of "the people of God"... 

But there is something even more sinister that has overcome a massive percentage of the hierarchy of this new, novus ordo synodal "church" -- and the sin that cries to Heaven for vengeance -- the infiltration of the sodomites...   

The heretic featured in this article maintains a close and intimate relationship with Bergoglio, who, on many occasions, has praised the work of this character masquerading as a priest...

The question begs: why does this heretic have such a fascination with the sin of Sodom, as well as those who mutilate their bodies to "become" something they are not?

Keep in mind, that Bergoglio does not and has never admonished those engaging in those heinous sins, to repent and amend their lives for the good of their immortal souls, just the opposite!  

What a terrible price will be paid at his Particular Judgment -- if he doesn't repent and amend his life!

Something is very rotten in Denmark...

Judge for yourself...

Here is that article.

0:00 / 3:35

"(LifeSiteNews) — Pro-LGBT Jesuit priest James Martin has written an article meant to comfort distressed “LGBTQ people” who are melting down after Donald Trump’s landslide victory Tuesday night.

In a blog published for his Outreach website Wednesday, Martin laments that he has received scores of messages from “Democratic friends and Kamala Harris supporters” as well as “LGBTQ people,” a term that is not recognized by the Catholic Church. These individuals, Martin says, are expressing “fear” over what Trump’s win will mean for them.

“The tenor of the campaign run by Mr. Trump and Mr. Vance — dark, negative and nihilistic, with an undercurrent of ‘us’ versus ‘them’ — frightened many LGBTQ people,” Martin alleges. “And LGBTQ people fear that they are the ‘them.’”

Martin has become one of the most recognizable clergymen in the United States in recent years thanks to Pope Francis’ repeated support for his blatant flouting of unchangeable Church teaching on homosexuality, transgenderism, and similar issues.

In August, Francis wrote a letter to Martin expressing solidarity with him and the conference he had organized for gender-confused persons at Georgetown University. Left-wing Cardinal Wilton Gregory said a Mass at the event, which welcomed over 300 so-called “LGBTQ Catholics and their allies.” The gathering featured an “icon” of Francis washing the feet of a jeans-wearing Jesus seated next to two same-sex couples.

What’s more, Francis personally invited Martin and dissident Cardinal Blase Cupich to attend the recently concluded October Synod in Rome. While there, Martin held a pro-LGBT event during which a homosexual “married” man called for “love to be expressed.” The event was attended by several cardinals and other Synod attendees.

In his blogpost, Martin writes that “homophobia has been around for a long time and is often used by politicians.” He further advised his readers to seek help “if you are suicidal or contemplating self-harm” and to “support your favorite LGBTQ group, organization or ministry” while claiming that positions held by Vance and Trump on gender ideology are “anti-LGBT.”

“Rome wasn’t built in a day. Neither was Stonewall,” Martin concludes, a reference to riots that took place at a bar in New York in 1969 that many LGBT activists mark the beginning of the “gay rights movement.”

According to a Washington Post exit poll, Catholic voters overwhelmingly voted for President Trump — 56 percent to 41 percent — in the recent presidential elections. An NBC exit poll similarly showed that Catholics voted for Trump by a 15-point margin in 10 key swing states, with Trump receiving the exact same 56 percent of their vote compared with Harris’ 41 percent. In 2020, Joe Biden received a reported 51 percent of the Catholic vote compared with Trump’s 47 percent."

End of very disturbing article...

We must pray for the defeat of these modernist monsters -- and for them to convert back to orthodoxy -- and the Catholic faith!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

St. Joseph pray for us!!

Gene DeLalla 


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