Saturday, November 16, 2024

Devastating! Fr. Heimerl: Pope Francis Leads A ‘Magisterium Of Lies And Heresy’ With His ‘Pseudo Synod‘

 I will let this brave priest speak for himself...

But I do suspect that he will be next to be "ex-communicated" by either by Bergoglio or one of his many henchmen.

Time will tell all...

From and written by Fr. Joachim Heimerl

0:00 / 7:03

"(LifeSiteNews) — Perhaps you were also surprised when Pope Francis first claimed that “synodality” is part of the essence of the Church. After all, to this day, nobody knows what he means by this term, and it does not appear anywhere in the history of the Church.

When Francis then convened the two-year “Synod on Synodality,” you may have been even more surprised, just as you were  surprised by its results, which are now available in the final document.

READ: Synod final text calls for continued ‘process’ with synodal ‘listening’ and dialogue

But what is behind all this or, to quote Goethe, what is “the crux of the matter?”

In a nutshell, what Francis calls “synodality” is just a complex system of lies, and the “Synod on Synodality” was already a lie in itself.  It was not a true “Synod” [that is, a “synod of bishops”] because a quarter of the participants were not bishops, but lay people.

Meanwhile, no Synod has any authority, regardless of whether you want to attribute it to the “Holy Spirit” or the “sense of the faith of the faithful.” And as Francis strategically staffed this synod, its results were clear from the outset.

Such a “Synod” is only one thing: it is fraudulent labeling by the Pope, and it shows how naturally Francis uses lies as a tactic. That’s frightening.

Ultimately, this “Synod of Bishops” was just something of a super lie, which is why we call it “papal lie number 1” in our context.

“Papal lie number 2” was that Francis always emphasized that “synodality” was not a political process but a genuinely “spiritual” one.

That the “World Synod” was not a “spiritual” process but a purely political one was shown by its final document: point by point, the individual voting results are listed, and majority decisions are made.

It goes without saying that this is a purely political and not a spiritual method, and this also applies to the fact that you cannot vote on the Church and the faith. This is certainly not the case when you consider that in Church history it was not uncommon for minorities to hold on to the revealed faith, for example at the time of Arianism.

In contrast, “papal lie number 3” is more difficult to grasp because it concerns what Francis usually calls “discernment.”

In his view, this “discernment” constitutes the “synodal” processes. What the Pope means by “discernment” is, nevertheless, as always unclear. What is clear, however, is that at the end of the “Synod,” he himself renounced any comprehensible form of discernment and declared the majority results of the Synod to be part of the papal magisterium.

In doing so, however, he has given the “Synod” an authority that it does not have and that the Pope can never attribute to it. For even if it had been a real “Synod of Bishops,” it would, at best, have had an advisory (!) character, and even the Pope himself could not change this. He cannot hand over the authority he has received from Christ to third parties or simply share it. In other words, Francis has replaced the papal magisterium with a new magisterium that does not actually exist, and which is reflected in the voting results of a pseudo-synod of bishops. In this respect, the conclusion of the “Synod” was a historic step, and the “papal lie number 3” turned out to be an act of papal arbitrariness and a betrayal of his own office.

However, by systematically lying, the Pope has put himself in a precarious situation. Quite a few statements in the final document of the “Synod” are incompatible with the Catholic faith. They bear witness to how rapidly Catholicism has evaporated and how much Francis supports this.  To put it more unkindly, one could also speak here of a heretical “Synod” and a “heretical pope,” which more and more Catholics are now doing quite openly.

This heretical dimension becomes clearest in the final document, where the Synod discusses itself, outlining an understanding of the Church that remains purely horizontal and communitarian.

Whereas, according to Catholic doctrine, the Church is the universal sacrament of salvation, here the “synodal” togetherness is brought close to the “sacramental” and in all seriousness paralleled with the “celebration of the Eucharist” (cf. No. 27). It is even claimed that the Spirit of God works in the “Synod” in the same way as in the Holy Mass, which conversely is understood only as a Protestant communion. Sin and grace no longer play a role here; the sacrifice of the cross and redemption are not even mentioned.

To put it bluntly: there is no trace of the Catholic faith here, and if “synodality” is anything, it is Luther’s late triumph over the Church.

Francis alone is responsible for all of this by installing a “magisterium” of lies and heresy, and not for the first time either. The objective of this “magisterium” is clear: Francis and his followers want to establish a new Church that is NOT the Church of Christ, and that is no longer in the succession of the apostles.

This is most clearly illustrated by the problem of the so-called “ordination of women.”

The “Synod” and Francis claim in the final document that the ordination of “women deacons” is an “open” question.

READ: Synod’s final text includes openness to female deacons after draft version’s silence

However, like so many things, this is also a lie, as the apostles laid hands only on men, and the Church has rightly been committed to this apostolic tradition over the centuries.

For this reason, there have never been any validly ordained “deaconesses,” and it would have been the Pope’s duty to finally clarify this at the end of the Synod at the latest.

But this is precisely what Francis refrained from doing and instead approved the brazen lie of his “Synod.”

The supposedly “open” question will now be clarified by experts afterward, but this move also conceals another lie: the faith of the Church is never what individual experts believe it to be, but only what the Church as a whole has believed and practiced over the centuries. This includes the fact that, according to apostolic practice, only men can be ordained.

Francis and his “Synod” are far removed from such evident truths of faith. Lies never lead to the truth and never to Jesus Christ, who said crystal clear before Pilate: “Everyone who is of the truth hears My voice” (John 18:37). In contrast, we prefer not to listen to the voice of Francis and his Synod. The synodal lies lead us away from Christ and His Church. We remember: shortly before the “Synod,” Francis himself denied that salvation is only through Christ, which says EVERYTHING about him and his “Synod.”

RELATED: Pope Francis: ‘Every religion is a way to arrive at God’

(Translated from the original German by Andreas Wailzer.)

End of article...

Honestly, where is this priest wrong?

Food for very heavy thought!

We must obey God rather than man...

Pray for strength and honor -- for the coming persecution by the enemies within the establishment "church"!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

St. Joseph pray for us!!

Gene DeLalla


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