Monday, November 4, 2024

NOT Voting For President Trump WILL Lead To A Moral And Spiritual Disaster For The U.S. -- And The World!!

 If you are worried and concerned about President Trump's stance on "women's reproductive rights," so am I, however, if Mr. Trump is not elected president, I can assure anyone reading this missive, the U.S. -- and the world will suffer a moral and spiritual disaster not seen since the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki!

Is this hyperbole?  

Not at all...

Just take a look or listen to the lunatic, Harris, and her VP pick, Walz, the even-more-crazy thug who forced school districts in his state to install feminine products -- tampons!! -- in boy's bathrooms!! -- and decide that not voting for President Trump is the better option because he is not 100% pro-life!


That would be crazy!

If the Marxist maniac Harris and Walz steal the White House this time, there will be absolutely no choice for the pre-born -- none at all!!

Plus, those two loonies have never met a war they didn't like -- or love!  

(As you know, under Mr. Trump, genuine efforts were made for peace even in the hot spots of the Middle East and Asia, with varying degrees of success.)

On the other hand, we can vote for President Trump invoking the principle of double effect as taught by St. Thomas Acquinas (and the Church!)...

Here is that principle: 

Principle of Double Effect

The Principle of Double Effect is used to determine when an action which has two effects, one good and one evil, may still be chosen without sin. This principle is attributed to St. Thomas Aquinas, who used it to show that killing in self-defense is justified (Summa Theologiae I-II q64 art. 7).

With respect to voting, it would allow under certain conditions the toleration of the unintended evil of another for a proportionate reason. All four conditions must be satisfied:

  1. The action must be morally good, or indifferent, as to object, motive and circumstances.
  2. The bad effect(s) may only be tolerated, not directly willed.
  3. The good effect must be caused at least as directly as the bad.
  4. The good effect(s) must be proportionate to compensate for the bad effect(s).

It is important to separate the constant musings I hear from Catholic podcasters -- and even priests, bishops and cardinals! -- saying over and over again that we must vote for "the lesser of two evils"!

That is not correct. 

I find it hard to believe that no one, and I mean no one, has mentioned the "principle," if I'm wrong, please correct me.

In any event, we must vote for President Trump and also pray for his conversion to the real (traditional) Catholic Church.  I might add that there have been many recent indications that something is moving him in that direction, but time -- and the Holy Ghost! -- will determine what happens...

Before I close, here is an article I posted back on Sept. 9, 2024...

Trump Posts ‘Happy Birthday Mary’ On The Nativity Of Our Lady!!!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

St. Joseph pray for us!!

Gene DeLalla 


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