Monday, November 11, 2024

Veteran's Day, November 11, 2024...

 I am a veteran...

I am a veteran of the Vietnam War...

I was a non-commissioned officer of Air Force Security Police...

One hundred eleven Air Force Security Police brothers died during the protracted Vietnam War...

I remember them in my prayers every single day...

War -- all wars! -- are a punishment because of grievous sins committed against God and the abandonment of the two great Commandments to Love God and Love our neighbor...

These two Commandments fulfill all the law and the prophets...

I can only hope that President Trump will be the instrument of our good God and Lord, to help stabilize and bring peace to our fallen world...

So, we should all pray for President Trump for strength and honor -- and for his conversion to the Church founded by Our Lord and Savior built on the Rock of Saint Peter...

Regardless of what you may think of our policies that have led, in my opinion, to far too many incursions and regime change actions all for the sake of "democracy," the boots on the ground, are the ones who should be supported, and not made out to be the bad guys as so many Vietnam Veterans were when we returned home...

I'm not sure that folks know that battles are still being fought by many of our Vietnam Vets, e.g., PTSD, cancers from Agent Orange, missing limbs, and there are so many "etc."...

As for me, my latest "battle" is a lesion that was found from my recent CT scan; it showed a lesion on my right kidney.  The urologist and the oncologist have scheduled an MRI on November 21 to get a better handle of what this means...

I ask for continued prayers for myself -- and for all Vietnam Vets who are still suffering from their service while in-country, and for all veterans for that matter...

It should be pointed out that eight (female) nurses died during the Vietnam War as well as 16 Chaplains, mostly Catholic, including Fr. Vincent Capodanno...

I thank you all, my dear brothers and sisters in Christ!

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel defend us in battle...

St. Joseph pray for us!!

Gene DeLalla 



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