Tuesday, December 31, 2024

Pastors Hold Ceremony To “Bless” Abortion Clinic That Kills Babies??

 You read that right, from lifenews.com comes this macabre story: 
Pastors Hold Ceremony to “Bless” Abortion Clinic That Kills Babies - LifeNews.com (written by  Jaryn Crouson) 


As you can see, the "great" apostasy is not confined to the new, novus ordo, synodal "church" -- that calls itself Catholic -- but extends far beyond what the world thinks is the real Catholic Church.  It encompasses all those heretical religions that the current occupant of the Chair of St. Peter claims those very same "religions" are a path to God, even if they don't believe in Our Lord, Jesus!


Remember Our Lord's words: no one comes to the Father except by Me!


Period, end of story...


I really wish it was the end of the story, but alas, this unbelievable article will shed some additional light on that ongoing apostasy currently engulfing, not only the ecclesiastical realm, but also secular society as well.


In reality, both are connected and are influenced by each other, proving that there is no such thing as "separation of church and state" as the liberals contend is in the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution -- hint: it's not there!! 


"Liberal pastors have taken to “blessing” abortion clinics to signal support for women who choose to abort their babies according to a Friday report from The New York Times.


At an abortion clinic in Maryland, a Presbyterian pastor, Baptist minister and Jewish cantor burned incense as part of a “ritual blessing” in order “to show that religion could be a source of support for abortion rights,” according to the New York Times. The women wanted to counter religious opposition to the procedure.


“For decades the Left has been downright hostile to expressions of religious faith — except apparently when it comes to celebrating abortion,” Josh Mercer, vice president of CatholicVote, told the Daily Caller News Foundation. “Suddenly incense, ritual, prayer, and reverence all have merit. How wicked that religious practice is being hijacked to promote the killing of children.”


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“You all are blessings to those who come to you for care during some of their most vulnerable and sometimes painful moments,” Rev. Katey Zeh, an ordained Baptist minister, told the abortion clinic staff.


Zeh leads the “blessings” at abortion clinics through an organization she runs called the Religious Community for Reproductive Choice (RCRC), the NYT wrote. The organization aims “to end religious stigma around abortion.”


“RCRC is a multifaith, intersectional, and antiracist movement for reproductive freedom and dignity,” the group’s website states. “We reject the shame and stigma that religious conservatives have long attached to sex, sexuality and reproduction.”


Hundreds of abortions have already been performed in the year-old Women’s Health Center of Maryland clinic, which serves many residents from nearby West Virginia which outlawed abortion in 2022, according to the NYT.


“God will forgive me for my decision,” one woman reportedly wrote in a community notebook in the clinic’s recovery room. Several others mentioned God in similar writings after receiving an abortion, talking about the difficult choice they made to seek an abortion, according to the NYT.


Religious leaders often pose staunch opposition to abortion, frequently praying outside of abortion clinics and challenging laws that violate religious freedom, though some liberal faith groups have come out in support of the act and petitioned for a religious “right” to the procedure. After the 2022 overturning of Roe v. Wade, several Jewish, Episcopalian, Unitarian and Satanist activists campaigned and even filed lawsuits in an attempt to keep abortion legal."


LifeNews Note: Jaryn Crouson writes for Daily Caller. Content created by The Daily Caller News Foundation is available without charge to any eligible news publisher that can provide a large audience. 


End of very disturbing article...


Pray for the defeat of these modernist monsters -- and for their conversion...


Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...


St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...


St. Joseph pray for us!!


Gene DeLalla

Monday, December 30, 2024

It Has Already Started: The "Canonization" Of Pro-Culture Of Death President J. Carter, Dead At Age 100...

 I feel sorry for the loss of the remaining family of former president J. Carter, who died at the ripe old age of 100.  

From my way of thinking, our good Lord gave him ample time to come into the one Ark of Salvation, the (real) Catholic Church, to repent of his support for the baby killing 1973 Roe v Wade Supreme Court decision, and sodomite "marriage".  But there is no indication that the Babtist Carter did any of those above-mentioned mandates in order to be saved.

It should be noted that -- as expected -- the Democrats are heaping praise on their former icon of the Demonrat Party, but even more bizarre, is the praise coming from "conservative," "pro-life" "Republicans," including, I'm afraid, our newly elected President Trump.

This is just another indication that President Trump is not the "savior" of our lives or our country, but only a flawed human unable -- at least at this time -- to recognize the truths of the (real) Catholic Church -- or even the Natural Law!

That is why we must all pray for his conversion to the Catholic faith -- and for the return to that one, true faith, of his wife, Melania...

The following article from lifesitenews.com and written by Doug Mainwaring

Former U.S. President Jimmy Carter dies at age 100 - LifeSite

This article should bring us back down to earth about Carter's heresies and scandals that followed him to his Particular Judgment...

"(LifeSiteNews) – Former U.S. President Jimmy Carter died at age 100 on Sunday, December 29, at his home in Plains, Georgia. The nation’s 39th president occupied the Oval Office for a single term from 1977 to 1981.

Carter was elected president in 1976 after a period of disillusionment with government following a decade rocked by the nation’s questionable involvement in the Vietnam War, campus and racial unrest, growing environmental concerns, and the Watergate scandal that led to the resignation of Richard Nixon.

A Democrat who served as Georgia’s governor from 1971 to 1975, Carter was viewed as a consummate Washington outsider, a devout Baptist and a peanut farmer who offered a welcome respite for many voters who had grown weary of the dark side of politics and the massive cultural upheaval of the 1960s and 1970s.

Carter won the presidency from Republican Gerald R. Ford, who had assumed office after Nixon’s early departure.

During Carter’s tenure in the White House, he worked for the cause of global peace, most notably through the 1978 Camp David Accords between Egypt and Israel. Carter was also a champion of human rights around the world.

Carter maintained that he personally opposed abortion and was a strong supporter of the Hyde Amendment that prohibited the federal government from funding elective abortions but stated that he accepted Roe v. Wade and did not think that the ruling should be reversed. His legacy organization, The Carter Center, decried the overturning of Roe v. Wade, saying that it “puts women’s health at risk by denying them the right to make their own health-care decisions.”

Carter was also a staunch supporter of homosexual “marriage,” blasphemously declaring in 2015 that he thought “Jesus would approve” of the practice. “I don’t see that gay marriage damages anyone else,” he told HuffPost Live at the time, disregarding the astronomically higher rates of HIV, anal cancer, and other sexual diseases among homosexual males. Sacred Scripture clearly and strongly condemns homosexuality.

The U.S. economy entered a period of malaise during his administration that was characterized by runaway inflation and sky-high interest rates exacerbated by an energy crisis.

During the final 14 months of his presidency, Carter negotiated unsuccessfully for the return of the U.S. Embassy staff members in Tehran who were being held hostage after the seizure of the embassy by fundamentalist Islamists who had waged a revolution, overthrowing the rule of the Shah of Iran.

The drama in Tehran dominated U.S. television news and national headlines daily for the final year of Carter’s presidency, contributing to his 1980 landslide loss to Republican Ronald Reagan. The hostages were released from captivity as Reagan assumed office.

James Earl Carter was born on October 1, 1924, and raised in Plains, Georgia, where his family operated a peanut farm. He graduated from the United States Naval Academy in Annapolis, Maryland in 1946 and served as a Naval officer until 1953, earning the American Campaign Medal, World War II Victory Medal, China Service Medal, and National Defense Service Medal.

In 2002, Jimmy Carter was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize.

He married wife Rosalynn shortly after his graduation from the Naval Academy, and the two had three sons: John William (Jack), James Earl III (Chip), Donnel Jeffrey (Jeff), a daughter, Amy Lynn, and 22 grandchildren and great-grandchildren.

In recent decades, Jimmy and Rosalynn were well known for their humanitarian advocacy and hands-on involvement with Habitat for Humanity. The former president was often pictured in overalls or wearing a tool belt, hammer or saw in hand.

Wife Rosalynn died in November 2023. The two had celebrated their 77th wedding anniversary in July.

President Carter had been receiving at-home hospice care over the last few years.

Having lived until age 100, Jimmy Carter has the distinction of having been the longest-living U.S. president."

End of article...

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

St. Joseph pray for us!!

Gene DeLalla

Sunday, December 29, 2024

"Bird Flu" Follow-Up And Another Angle.. Covid Tyrant Dr. Leana Wen Says Biden Regime Needs To Get Millions Of Doses Of Bird Flu Vaccines To The American People ASAP!!

 From thegatewaypundit.com... 

HERE WE GO: Covid Tyrant Dr. Leana Wen Says Biden Regime Needs to Get Millions of Doses of Bird Flu Vaccines to the American People ASAP (VIDEO) | The Gateway Pundit | by Cristina Laila 

"Dr. Leana Wen, the Communist doctor who demanded Americans lose all their rights during the Covid pandemic, appeared on CBS’s “Face the Nation” on Sunday to discuss the Bird Flu outbreak.

The CDC recently confirmed the first severe U.S. human case of H5N1 bird flu in a 65-year-old Louisiana man who had contact with sick backyard birds.

California’s Democrat Governor Gavin Newsom last week declared a state of emergency in response to the recent bird flu outbreak.

On Sunday CBS News rolled out Covid tyrant Dr. Leana Wen to weigh in on the bird flu and she called for the Biden Regime to get millions of doses of vaccines to the American people as soon as possible.

Leana Wen was born in China and served as the president of Planned Parenthood until July 2019.

Recall that Dr. Wen repeatedly stated that Americans who refuse to get vaccinated for Covid should have most of their rights taken away.

Leana Wen said the Biden Regime should immediately get testing out there because we need to be “looking for” the virus.

“I feel like we should’ve learned our lesson from Covid, that just because we aren’t testing doesn’t mean the virus isn’t there,” Leana Wen said.

Leana Wen also said the FDA should authorize the bird flu vaccine.

“There actually is a vaccine developed already against H5N1. The Biden administration has contracted with manufacturers to make almost 5 million doses of the vaccine,” Leana Wen said.

“However, they have not asked the FDA to authorize the vaccine. There’s research done on it. They could get this authorized noun and also get the vaccine out,” she said.


End of article...

If you thought that "covid" was a test run to see how the American population would take to government orders and mandates, you're right...

The "bird flu" will be plastered all over the network "news," scaring people half to death, those are the same gullible folks that you still see wearing face diapers!

Next, will come some other "mysterious" "virus" that will "threaten" the entire global population!

What will you do?  Submit?  Obey at all costs?  Give up all your God-given, Natural Law rights in order to stay "safe" and "secure"??

Or will you fight for your right to live free under the magnificent Law of God almighty??

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

St. Joseph pray for ua!!!

Gene DeLalla 

Saturday, December 28, 2024

Dr. Malone: Bird Flu ‘Emergency’ In California Is A Case Of Psychological Bioterrorism!!

 Get ready here it comes...

Yep, another "pandemic" is just over the horizon, just in time for President Trump to take back the office of president from the apostate, phony "president" known to the world as J. Biden.

As one would guess, the next threat to the world's population comes not from a very possible nuclear conflagration, but from a so-called "bird flu"!

And, of course, it being originated in the land of fruits and nuts, the damned state of California, run by the tyrant-in-charge, another apostate from the Catholic faith, the Marxist G. Newsom, is hyping the fear of those dumbed down Americans who cannot think for themselves and absorb every jot and tittle they hear on the "6 o'clock news".

Let's see just how many Americans across the fruited plain will fall for the new "mask mandates" -- and the hide-in-your-house lunacy, not to mention the re-imposition of "social distancing" (that was made up by that crime-against-humanity-monster, Fauci) that may be just around the corner?!

Here is an article from lifesitenews.com and written by Robert Malone M.D.

By the way, are you aware that millions of chickens and other foul have been destroyed over the last couple of years to "combat" the "bird flu"?

Notice the price of chicken at the supermarket lately??

Dr. Malone: Bird flu ‘emergency’ in California is a case of psychological bioterrorism - LifeSite

"(Robert Malone) — Sometimes I feel like a broken record when writing about infectious disease-based public health threats.

There are real threats, such as multi-drug resistant Tuberculosis, but these are rarely discussed. And then there is the psychological (eg. information) bioterrorism, the fear porn, a hyped narrative concerning an existential threat repeatedly injected into public discourse and then intentionally amplified to the point that it becomes a perverse and, in some cases, disabling obsession for many.

Psychological bioterrorism and fear porn

There are many who benefit from psychological (or information) bioterrorism. As discussed in 2017 by former Soviet-Russian Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) intelligence officer Dr. Alexander Kouzminov:

Objects or target audience of an ‘active operation’ <of psychological bioterrorism> may be – governments, high-ranking military officials, secret services of the enemy, political parties, banks, companies, etc. as well as ordinary populations, where the aim is to cause some kind of an impact and effect….

Information (or psychological) bioterrorism – this is a form of global influence. It can be even more effective, from the view of consequences and harm, which it can cause. Firstly, info-bioterrorism, in comparison with an act of bioterror is not and does not apply for strategic or military applications, political assassination, and acts of sabotage – to disrupt local infrastructures, to harm the health of local population, animals, or disrupt the environment of a certain country. Secondly, its organisers and interested organizations, use the potential pandemic threat, in order to reach certain results…

Propaganda is the main weapon to influence people, especially if they are not well informed. An ordinary human being it appears only has a ‘surface’ knowledge about how real these kinds of threats are, and is used to rely on the opinions of mass media.

READ: New reports vindicate LifeSite’s coverage of the wars in Ukraine and Israel

Fear porn definition

An AI-generated answer to Brave search query “Fearporn Definition” states the following:

Fear porn refers to mainstream media content that deliberately and enticingly plays on people’s fears about disaster, disease, and death. It is often used to describe sensationalized and exaggerated reports or stories that aim to provoke strong emotional reactions, such as fear, anxiety, or outrage. This type of content can be found in various forms of media, including news, social media, and online articles.

Some definitions of fear porn also include the idea that it is used to manipulate people’s emotions and attention, often for the purpose of increasing viewership, engagement, or clicks. Fear porn can be seen as a form of psychological manipulation, as it preys on people’s natural fear responses to create a sense of drama or excitement.

In some cases, fear porn can also be used to describe conspiracy theories or misinformation that is spread online, often with the intention of generating fear, anxiety, or outrage. This type of content can be particularly harmful, as it can spread misinformation and perpetuate harmful stereotypes or biases.

Overall, fear porn is a term used to describe a type of media content that uses fear and sensationalism to engage audiences and manipulate their emotions.

The bottom line here is that many national and global actors have long been known to exploit existential fear of infectious disease for political and economic benefit, and that there is a standard playbook for how this is performed. Therefore, the first thing that should come to your mind when you see this type of messaging being deployed and amplified in corporate media is the question, “Who and what is benefitting from this messaging?”

Conflicts of interest relating to the biodefense/infectious disease industrial complex abound. There are complex and hidden webs of influence that interlock politicians, industry, media, academia, federal agencies such as DOD, HHS, and USDA, as well as a wide range of individuals and organizations that benefit from federal (and global public-private partnerships) policies relating to the biodefense/infectious disease industrial complex.

What is the current threat assessment for Avian Influenza, and has it changed?

I previously established and published a brief baseline threat assessment for Avian Influenza on July 2, 2024. Four dominant parameters must be considered when assessing a potential infectious disease threat to human populations:

  1. Disease severity (a measurable objective truth)
  2. Mechanism of transmission and observed transmissibility (an experimentally testable objective truth)
  3. Evidence of sustained human-to-human transmission (a measurable objective truth)
  4. Assessment of anticipated future risk (subjective, speculative, and hypothetical)

READ: Children who got COVID shots more likely to catch the virus than those who didn’t, study finds

Politicians and their allies (in BioPharma, academia, and other sectors) have a variety of conflicts of interest and agendas which are not aligned with objective, dispassionate assessment and response to public health and infectious disease issues, and cannot be relied upon to analyze and respond to these key parameters objectively.

An assessment of the conflicts of interest and political agenda(s) of California’s Gavin Newsom is beyond the scope of this analysis. Still, please remember that Governor Newsom clearly mismanaged and overreacted to the COVID threat, as did the World Economic Forum that trained and coached (coaches?) him as a “Young Leader” and clearly continues to influence his political postures.

Although California has remained under Democrat party control – in significant part consequent to “rank choice” voting policies – during the recent presidential election there was a clear shift and momentum toward the Republican party across the majority of the state.

California has a very large dairy industry, and I know that a leader in and representative of that industry has close connections to Newsom. The presence of the virus in Southern California dairy farms is widespread, with over 300 dairy herds testing positive in the last 30 days

Has the threat assessment circa July 2024 changed? Let’s revisit the basics:

Disease severity, December 2024

Disease severity continues to be mild, with the exception of one new case which apparently triggered Newsom to declare a state of emergency in California.

According to Newsweek, “A person in Louisiana was hospitalized in critical condition with severe respiratory symptoms from a bird flu infection, according to state health officials. The patient had been in contact with sick and dead birds in a backyard flock, according to the CDC. Louisiana health officials said the patient is older than 65 and has underlying medical conditions.”

Here is the current CDC threat summary

  • H5 bird flu is widespread in wild birds worldwide and is causing outbreaks in poultry and U.S. dairy cows with several recent human cases in U.S. dairy and poultry workers.
  • While the current public health risk is low, CDC is watching the situation carefully and working with states to monitor people with animal exposures.
  • CDC is using its flu surveillance systems to monitor for H5 bird flu activity in people.

READ: Biden HHS extends immunity for COVID shot manufacturers through 2029

The CDC charts above document that the risk of H5 in humans is low, disease severity is low, and although massive testing has occurred, there are only 61 total “exposure” sources found from cattle, birds, and other mammals.

There are a total of three human cases picked up from the CDC flu surveillance program since February 25, 2024, and a total of 58 cases in the U.S., after testing almost 10,000 people who were exposed to infected animals.

In sum, the profile of disease severity has not changed since July 2024. As opposed to initial reporting from corporate media, dark warnings from the WHO and Dr. Tedros, and the apocalyptic mutterings of Dr. Peter Hotez, there continues to be no evidence indicating the circulation of a highly pathogenic version of this virus in either animal or human populations.

Mechanism of transmission and observed transmissibility

All reported U.S. transmission events involve human exposure in the context of intensive contact during animal husbandry or other known animal hosts, indicating that the mechanism of transmission remains intensive exposure to infected animals and animal carcasses. No change from July 2024.

Evidence of sustained human-to-human transmission

No evidence of sustained human-to-human transmission, now or in the past with this currently circulating variant.

Assessment of anticipated future risk

This appears to be the crux of Newsom’s alarmist response involving the declaration of a “State of Emergency” for bird flu in California. A statement from the governor’s office characterized the move as a “proactive action to strengthen robust state response” to avian influenza A (H5N1), also known as bird flu.

“This proclamation is a targeted action to ensure government agencies have the resources and flexibility they need to respond quickly to this outbreak,” Newsom said in a statement. “Building on California’s testing and monitoring system – the largest in the nation – we are committed to further protecting public health, supporting our agriculture industry, and ensuring that Californians have access to accurate, up-to-date information.”

He added, “While the risk to the public remains low, we will continue to take all necessary steps to prevent the spread of this virus.”

This statement demonstrates either a profound ignorance of the mechanism by which animal influenza viruses spread, including avian influenza, or the presence of a hidden agenda. With a wide range of animal reservoirs, including migratory waterfowl, there is no way that the state of California can prevent the spread of this virus.

READ: Australian doctor who criticized COVID jabs has his suspension reversed


There has been no significant change in the current threat assessment associated with Avian Influenza relative to July 2024. The CDC, which has recently been implicated in industrial-scale “PsyWar” deployment of psychological bioterrorism regarding COVID and has an organizational conflict of interest in promoting vaccines and vaccine uptake, characterizes the current public health risk as low.

My conclusion regarding the Newsom declaration of a “State of Emergency” for bird flu in California is that it is being driven by a hidden agenda. There are multiple hypotheses regarding what that hidden agenda may be, but Newsom’s statement that, “Building on California’s testing and monitoring system – the largest in the nation – we are committed to further protecting public health, supporting our agriculture industry, and ensuring that Californians have access to accurate, up-to-date information,” suggests that this declaration may, at a minimum, reflect advocacy by and for California’s infectious disease testing industry, which includes both academic and commercial components."

Reprinted with permission from Robert Malone.

End of very revealing artilce...

Think for yourselves!!!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

St. Joseph pray for us!!

Gene DeLalla 

Wednesday, December 25, 2024

Israeli historian Produces Comprehensive Record Of His Country’s Genocide In Gaza

Warning!  Warning!  Warning!

The following article contains graphic content that documents the genocide of the atheistic IDF forces and their attempt to wipe out the Palestinian population who "live" in the Gaza Strip.

Remember, many of the Palestinians in Gaza are Christians, but, or should I say, because they are Christians, the Israeli armed forces (the IDF) have targeted those on the "Strip" in an apparent effort to annex the ever-dwindling Gaza Strip, seize more and more territory and annihilate the remaining Palestinians once and for all!

Let's face it, the monsters that comprise the IDF are Christ-hating Jews from way back -- to at least 1948 when the "state" of Israel was created by back door deals, compromises and bribery....

Here is the article from lifesitenews.com and written by Frank Wright

Israeli historian produces comprehensive record of his country's genocide in Gaza - LifeSite

Note: I will not post all the videos from X... if you wish to watch them, beware!  

U.S. citizens: Tell U.S. Senate to reject new ‘anti-terrorism’ bill

"(LifeSiteNews) — For over a year charges of war crimes and genocide against Israeli leaders and its army have been dismissed by pro-Zionist commentators on mainstream and social media. A new report from an Israeli historian has now documented in horrifying detail the human toll of Israel’s war in Gaza.

In “Bearing Witness to the Israeli-Gaza War,” Princeton scholar Dr. Lee Mordechai has produced an online record which he says proves “that Israel is currently committing genocide against the Palestinian population in Gaza.”

Mordechai says of his report, “This is an attempt to preserve a record for those who seek clarity and insight amidst the conflicting narratives in public discourse.”

Writing for Haaretz on the release of the latest English version, Nir Hasson said of the report: “[It] constitutes the most methodical and detailed documentation … of the war crimes that Israel is perpetrating in Gaza. It is a shocking indictment comprised of thousands of entries relating to the war, to the actions of the government, the media, the Israel Defense Forces and Israeli society in general.”

READ: New reports vindicate LifeSite’s coverage of the wars in Ukraine and Israel

Mordechai’s report contains numerous videos and eyewitness accounts, with frequent reference to the statements of Israel’s leadership and comments made online in support of what the Israeli academic defines as genocide. He began compiling this account earlier in 2024, in order to fulfill what he felt to be his “moral obligation to examine and document the unfolding events.”

He explained in the preface to the report, “This work is an act of bearing witness – a reflection of my commitment to justice, accountability, and the ethical responsibility of ensuring that such stories are told and preserved.”

I invite readers to critically examine the evidence and consider the moral and political questions the current situation raises.”

The evidence is presented abundantly. As Hasson recounted for Haaretz“The links in ‘Bearing Witness to the Israel-Gaza War’ … lead to graphic footage of bodies strewn about, in every possible condition; of people crushed under rubble; of puddles of blood; and of the cries of people who lost their entire families in an instant.”

Hasson details some of the contents of the 124 pages, which include “over 1,400 footnotes referencing thousands of sources, including eyewitness reports, video footage, investigatory materials, articles and photographs.”

He summarizes the contents.

“There are items attesting to the killing of disabled people, humiliation and sexual assaults, the torching of homes, forced starvation, random shooting, looting, abuse of corpses and much more.”

Hasson spoke to Mordechai, describing the 42-year-old “former officer in the IDF Combat Engineering Corps” and “senior lecturer in history at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem” as an expert in “human and natural disasters in the ancient and medieval eras.”

The rigor of Mordechai’s research and methods is stressed.

“He approached the subject of the Gaza disaster in an academic-historical way, with dry prose and few adjectives, availing himself of the greatest possible diversity of primary sources; his writing is devoid of interpretation and open to review and revision. Which is precisely why the faces reflected in his text are so utterly appalling.”

READ: Shocking report details the BBC’s overwhelming pro-Israel bias

As Hasson states, “Mordechai cites evidence of the horrific predicaments the war has forced upon Gazans. A physician who amputates his niece’s leg on a kitchen table, without anesthesia, using a kitchen knife. People eating horse flesh and grass, or drinking sea water to ameliorate their hunger. Women compelled to give birth in a classroom crowded with people. Doctors helplessly looking on as wounded people die because there’s no way to help them.”

Why did Mordechai begin recording the genocide in Gaza? He told Hasson, “I felt that I couldn’t go on living in my bubble, that we’re talking about capital offenses, and that what’s going on is just too large, and contradicts the values I was raised on here.”

He explained he does not seek confrontation.

“I’m not out to confront people or to argue. I wrote the document so it would be out there.”

As a historian, he says, he feels compelled to create a record of events, “[s]o that in another half a year or year or five years or 10 or 100 – people will be able to go back and see that this is what was known, this is what it was possible to know, as early as this past January, or March, and that those among us who didn’t know, chose not to know.”

Mordechai’s reasoning is clear: this is what is known now, and he has made it known in a manner which is impossible to dismiss as partisan propaganda. This is a genocide that can no longer be denied, he has said.

“My role as a historian,” he continued, “is to give voice to those who cannot sound their own voices…”

He explains the dry, dispassionate tone of his work.

“I deliberately seek not to appeal to people’s emotions, and don’t use words that may be controversial or unclear. I don’t talk about terrorists or about Zionism or about antisemitism. I’m trying to use as cold and dry a language as possible, and to stick to the facts as I understand them.”

A history professor at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Mordechai began to document Israeli actions and their consequences in Gaza whilst on sabbatical at Princeton in the U.S.

He published a long thread detailing his methods, findings and motivations on X (formerly Twitter) in June:

Mordechai’s work documents in sections the U.S. backing of the war, phases of the campaign, the Israeli use of the issue of the hostages, and treats in detail the two weeks assault on the Al-Shifa hospital as one example of the deliberate destruction of civilian infrastructure. Similar assaults continue to take place, with the attack on two further hospitals documented by independent Gaza journalist Hossam Shabat, and also in a long thread by DropSiteNews.

Translation: “From inside the intensive care unit at Kamal Adwan Hospital. Unspeakable crime.”

Mordechai’s record challenges the reader to look at what is there, rather than look away. It also considers what people were directed to see instead of what is taking place. He says, “The most prominent story at the beginning of the war was the one about 40 Israeli infants decapitated on October 7. That story generated a lot of headlines in the international media, but when you compare it with the list of those killed, you realize very quickly that it didn’t happen.”

Mordecai published his first version of “Bearing Witness” in January 2024. On December 5, a seventh revision went online, documenting the recent campaign in northern Gaza. 

As Hasson notes, the report shows the “indifference” of Israelis and their authorities to a war which has “killed more children than in all the wars in the world in the past three years.”

Routine orders permitting the killing of civilians are documented, along with the revelation that Israel refuses to collect data on the number of people it has killed. This permits Israeli authorities to cast doubt on casualty figures published by the Gaza Health Ministry. Though the report shows that Israeli leaders – including Benjamin Netanyahu himself – have frequently confirmed the numbers given as accurate, Hasson says, “Local media outlets usually note that the source of such data is ‘Hamas’ Ministry of Health.'”

As Hasson points out, “A perusal of Mordechai’s report helps to disperse the fog that has blanketed Israelis since the war broke out.”

This fog of war is intentionally created in Israeli and in international media to make the obvious doubtful, or even invisible. Mordechai’s report continues to be updated with video and text accounts of a genocide in progress.

There is no reason to doubt his work. It is a question of whether people are willing to see what is happening, in the here and now, or whether Israel’s actions in Gaza will finally be witnessed only in hindsight.

As Mordecai said himself, this is what is known. His report has replaced doubt with documented evidence. To say we did not know is now a choice for which we will one day have to answer.

The latest revision of the full document “Bearing Witness to the Israel-Gaza War” is available here."

End of very disturbing article...

As always, judge for yourself -- and pray for those Palestinians still trapped and targeted in Gaza.

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

St. Joseph pray for us!!

Gene DeLalla 


Where Do We Get Such Creatures? From The Pit Of Hell?? "Cardinal" Roche: ‘Nothing Wrong’ With Latin Mass But Church Needed To ‘Move Away’ From It

 From lifesitenews.com and written by  Michael   Haynes,   Snr.   Vatican   Correspondent , comes this gem:  Cardinal Roche: ‘Nothing wrong...