Saturday, December 21, 2024

To The Faithful Catholics In The Diocese Of Tyler, Texas, I Feel Your Pain! Pope Francis Names Dallas’ Bishop Kelly As Bishop Strickland’s Successor In Tyler, Texas

 All I can say, is good luck in trying to attend the Mass of the ages, the Traditional Latin Mass, in the diocese of Tyler, Texas!

The new "bishop" is a Bergoglian through and through, pro-illegal alien invasion (they call them undocumented immigrants), will not deny the Holy Eucharist to dyed-in-the-wool pro-baby killer "Catholic" politicians, lover of the new, novus ordo, synodal "church" and its bizarre new rites of "mass," such as the Amazon rite and the upcoming Mayan rite.  Both, by the way, are devoid of the Holy Ghost and sanctifying grace -- which is absolutely necessary for the salvation of souls -- the list goes on and on...

I truly feel for those faithful Catholics in the Tyler diocese... 

What can they do??

I suggest that they seek out real Bishop Joseph Strickland and attend his Masses!  Hit the diocese in the wallet, deny all donations and redirect them to Bishop Strickland so he can continue his true evangelization to bring folks to Christ!  That is, until he is "ex-communicated" by those evil and wicked workers of iniquity in apostate Rome!  Make no mistake, that is coming!

Here is an article from and written by Michael Haynes,

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