Thursday, December 19, 2024

The Coordinated Homosexual Conspiracy In The New, Novus Ordo, Synodal "Church" Extends From Apostate Rome To The Sodomite "Bishops" In The U.S. -- And Worldwide!

 This is, quite frankly, sickening, disgusting, a departure from the Natural Law, Biblical admonition and the condemnation in the New Testament...

If you listen closely to the bad actors such as J. Martin and his heretical New Ways Ministry, to mention just one entity that defies authentic Church teaching, you must come to the conclusion that they would die on the vine if they didn't have the open and enthusiastic support of the supposed pope sitting in the Chair of St. Peter -- the great St. Peter must be spinning in his holy grave or shedding tears from his Heavenly throne!

(Did you know that Martin has said that St. Paul got it wrong regarding Martin's favorite sin that cries to Heaven for vengeance!?)

Sadly, there are pope splainers who continue to do verbal gymnastics to try to justify Bergoglio's words and actions, or claim that he is being misinterpreted, or taken out of context!

Remember, he said: "Who am I to judge!"  

In other words, as a priest -- who is supposed to judge! -- he is denying and obfuscating his charism and the duties of his office which includes admonishing the sinner to repent, reform and go and sin no more...

But you see, this is all part of the plan of the St. Gallen Mafia to change Church teaching, form a new "church," and accept sodomy as "okay," so long as those involved in that demonic "lifestyle" "love" each other!!!

I have two articles that show a distinct link between Rome and the Bergoglio appointed "bishops" here in the U.S., and their zeal, not for the salvation of souls, but for their sodomite and LGBT agenda, which, by the way, is destroying families and individual souls to boot!

The first is from and written by Michael Haynes, Snr. Vatican Correspondent

Vatican quietly returns LGBT Jubilee 'pilgrimage' to official calendar - LifeSite

"VATICAN CITY (LifeSiteNews) — After a scandal and contradictory statements from the Vatican, an LGBT specific pilgrimage is now back in the official calendar of the 2025 Jubilee events.

On December 17, a listing for one of the many events taking place during the 2025 Jubilee Year was quietly reset in the official calendar online.

On September 6, a pilgrimage to the Holy Door of St. Peter’s Basilica will take place for the “Jonathan’s Tent” association and other groups. The association, known by its original Italian name Tenda di Gionata (TDG), is one of the most prominent pro-LGBT “Catholic” organizations in Italy.

Significant controversy broke out about the pilgrimage after it was first reported by Il Messaggero on December 6.

The Italian outlet had revealed that “a special moment of spirituality has been included in the official calendar of the Holy Year on Sept. 6, and the historic Baroque church of the Gesù has become the promoter of welcoming Lgbt+ pilgrims, their parents, workers, and all those who gravitate to these rainbow associations.”

The pilgrimage was named “Church, Home for All, Lgbt+ Christians and Other Existential Frontiers.”

TDG is, as a group “aimed at making ‘known the path that LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender Christians) take every day in their communities and in the various Churches.” The group looks to present tales of LGBT “experiences” so that they “can help society and the Churches to open up to the understanding and reception of homosexual people.”

In promoting LGBT prayer events in recent years, TDG have posted a number of images including an icon of Christ backed by the rainbow flag, an icon of Christ with a rainbow-colored halo, and an icon of Christ appearing as a transgender individual surrounded by individuals in modern dress.

Given TDG’s LGBT activism, and the fact that the pilgrimage was billed as an LGBT specific event – leading some to comment that it was essentially a Pride parade to the Vatican – there was widespread consternation in the Church.

Prior to the pilgrimage’s removal, a Dicastery official spoke to Reuters saying that inclusion in the official calendar did not imply support of a specific event.

On December 12, an official then stated that the pilgrimage had been removed from the calendar due to insufficient details, but that it would be re-listed shortly.

A certain limited number of events during the Jubilee Year are officially sponsored by the Vatican and its various offices. However, all pilgrimages approved by the Vatican are included in the Jubilee calendar.

RELATED: Pope Francis approves LGBT ‘pilgrimage’ for 2025 Jubilee: report

According to Il Messaggero’s original report, Pope Francis himself had been convinced of the LGBT-specific pilgrimage. The event also reportedly received backing from Cardinal Matteo Zuppi – the president of the Italian bishops’ conference – and Father Arturo Sosa, superior general of the Jesuits.

The pro-prefect for the New Evangelization section of the Dicastery for Evangelization, Archbishop Rino Fisichella, reportedly collaborated with Francis to facilitate the necessary arrangements for the event.

Notwithstanding the peculiar online status of the pilgrimage during recent days, the event has been hailed as an attempt by the Holy See to foster positive relations with LGBT individuals.

“While 2025’s event may seem like a small step, when compared with how the Vatican reacted to the presence of gay people in Rome during 2000, we can see what a sea change has taken place in terms of responding to LGBTQ+ people,” wrote Francis DeBernardo, executive director of LGBT group New Ways Ministry – a group which, though receiving support from Pope Francis, remains officially condemned by the Church.

Contrasting with the arguments of those arguing for greater acceptance of LGBT ideology, Church teaching expressly condemns same-sex sexual activity.

Under the leadership of Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger in 1986, the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith (CDF) issued a document carefully instructing bishops on the pastoral care of homosexual persons. The CDF admonished bishops to ensure they, and any “pastoral programme” in the diocese, are “clearly stating that homosexual activity is immoral.”

Such an authentic pastoral approach would “assist homosexual persons at all levels of the spiritual life: through the sacraments, and in particular through the frequent and sincere use of the sacrament of Reconciliation, through prayer, witness, counsel and individual care,” stated the CDF.

The document added that “we wish to make it clear that departure from the Church’s teaching, or silence about it, in an effort to provide pastoral care is neither caring nor pastoral. Only what is true can ultimately be pastoral. The neglect of the Church’s position prevents homosexual men and women from receiving the care they need and deserve.”

End of first article...

The second is also from and written by Stephen Kokx

Two things... First, you will see the connection between this "bishop," and the other heretic "bishop," Stowe, of Lexington, Kentucky.  Plus, this character also fired two faithful priests who celebrated the traditional Latin Mass, just as Stowe did in his diocese citing the cancellation of the Latin Masses across the world, by the haters of Tradition -- and Christ! -- by Bergoglio's un-Catholic and diabolical document issued in 2022.

"(LifeSiteNews) — A Francis-appointed Kentucky bishop who canceled two Latin Mass priests last year is defending his decision to offer an “LGBT Mass” for a dissident organization backed by neighboring heterodox Bishop John Stowe of Lexington, who serves as its ecclesial adviser. 

On August 28 at St. Joseph’s Church in Cold Spring, Kentucky, Bishop John Iffert of Covington said Mass for a pro-LGBT “support group” named Catholics Embracing All God’s Children. The organization, which is overseen by the gay-affirming Fortunate Families ministriesparticipated in the Cincinnati “Pride” Parade this year. 

In a pastoral letter dated September 5, Iffert explained that he received emails and letters from “about two dozen people” urging him not to go through with the liturgy. He justified his presence by arguing that those who reached out to him failed to make the distinction between same-sex “orientation” and homosexual “action” or they “failed to make the distinction between supporting persons and endorsing an advocacy agenda.” 

Iffert, who was appointed by Pope Francis to Covington in 2021, cited documents Francis wrote in his explanatory statement. 

Dissident group New Ways Ministry has praised Iffert’s decision as “a necessary step to move the church towards a more inclusive way of thinking.” The group was officially condemned by the Vatican in 1999 and in 2010 Cardinal Francis George, O.M.I, then-President of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, said that it has “no approval or recognition from the Catholic Church and that they cannot speak on behalf of the Catholic faithful in the United States.” 

Iffert gained notoriety earlier this year when he stripped Father Shannon Collins and Father Sean Kopczynski of their faculties to offer public Masses. Collins and Kopczynski are founding members of the Missionaries of St. John the Baptist, a public association of the faithful that was erected by Iffert’s predecessor, Roger Foys, in the Covington diocese in 2019, though the two had been in the diocese since 2011. 

Iffert canceled Collins and Kopczynski in January 2024 after they refused to concelebrate a Novus Ordo Mass with him and after they said they would not recant a sermon wherein Collins remarked that the Novus Ordo liturgy preserves “literally nothing of the (Latin Mass).” 

Fortunate Families was founded in 1992. It supports homosexual “marriage” and has called on Francis to give “full acceptance” to “LGBT people.” It has also blasphemed the Blessed Virgin by posting a picture of her to social media draped in a rainbow flag.  

The group’s adviser, Bishop John Stowe, was appointed by Pope Francis to lead the Diocese of Lexington in 2015. Stowe has a long history of pro-LGBT activism, which seems to be having an influence on Iffert.  

During 2019’s so-called “pride month,” Stowe issued a sacrilegious “prayer” card that celebrates homosexual “pride” and includes an image of a crucifix with rainbow colors coming from it. That year, he also led an “LGBT retreat” at the University of Notre Dame. In June 2020, he released a “pride month” video in which he apologized for the Church’s teaching on homosexuality and gender confusion. More recently, he has allowed a gender-confused woman to live as a “male hermit” in his diocese.  

Another prominent U.S. clergyman who has given his support to Fortunate Families is current Washington D.C. Cardinal Wilton Gregory. While previously serving as Archbishop of Atlanta, Gregory permitted the Shrine of the Immaculate Conception to act as a center for LGBT events. He also allowed members of Fortunate Families to hold retreats in his Atlanta Chancery for many years, while personally saying Mass for them. The shrine’s pastor, who has shown himself to be at home operating within Atlanta’s gay subculture, was chosen by Archbishop Gregory to serve as a spiritual director for victims of sex abuse for the archdiocese. "

End of article...

Wake up Catholics!!

Pray for the defeat of these modernist monsters -- and for their conversion!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vicent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

St. Joseph pray for us!!

Gene DeLalla 


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