Thursday, January 9, 2025

Stunning Heresies Emanating From Apostate Rome On A Daily Basis! Almost Too Numerous To Count!!!

 Just over the last two weeks or so, the number of heresies, scandals and massive confusion emanating from apostate Rome -- with Bergoglio at the helm -- are almost too numerous to count!

One of the most egregious examples of this is the news of the arch-heretic and LGBTQ/sodomite sympathetic (is he one of them?), "cardinal" McElroy, to be made "archbishop" of the D.C. archdiocese, taking over from "cardinal" Wilton Gregory.  In other words, the status quo of modernist madness and rejection of Catholic Church teachings for 2,000 years will continue unabated, supporting those sins that cry to Heaven for vengeance: sodomy and physical mutilation in a bizarre attempt to "change" from one sex to another -- not to mention the continuation of giving the Holy Eucharist to those "Catholics" who support the killing of the pre-born.

Absolute madness!

I truly feel for those faithful Catholics in that crazy archdiocese thinking that maybe, just maybe, they would get a real shepherd to guide the flock of Christ to the heavenly beatitude, instead they got another Judas goat leading souls over the cliff to certain spiritual death! 

The despicable bad actor, McElroy, is not only a blatant heretic, but also has covered up some of the most heinous sexual abuse crimes from San Diego -- and now, D.C...

But that's only the tip of the iceberg!

The new, novus ordo, synodal "church" has sunk to a new low in their deal with the devil, to kill the traditional Latin Mass and cancel decent, faithful priests and the few bishops still willing to call a spade a spade -- and resist to the face, those attempting to create a new "church" formed in the image and likeness of man, subservient to the zeitgeist, devoid of the Holy Ghost and sanctifying grace!

The question then begs do these modernist monsters actually believe in God, their true Master and Judge, or have they sold their immortal souls to Satan, the ape of the true Church of Christ?

This is a legitimate question because their words and actions indicate that they do not believe in our good -- and JUST! -- God...

This lunacy is just the tip of the iceberg, with most of the damage to souls unseen, but lurking just below the water, so to speak... In this case, with poor catechesis, denying of perennial church teaching, especially that one has to become a Catholic in order to be saved!

Those bad shepherds will never preach that dogma, because they don't believe it themselves!

According to Bergoglio, all "religions" are a path to God!

That one statement is absolute heresy!

There are many others!

Remember, Our Lord told His disciples -- and anyone who would listen -- that no one -- no one! -- comes to the Father but by Me (Him)...

It seems to me that we are living through a fantasy world made up of heretics, clowns, Marxists and sodomite-friendly (or sodomites themselves) novus ordo hierarchy.  

Can it get any worse??

I think it can get much worse...

But!  That's why we must support -- in any way possible -- those good priests, and the few bishops and cardinals to stand fast to Apostolic tradition and foster the traditional Latin Mass, even it has to be underground, as our faithful Chinese Catholics have been forced back into the catacombs under the tyrannical Communist dictator, Zi.

As Cardinal Burke recently quipped: we may have to suffer a red martyrdom...

The many enemies of the true Church are from within but are intimately connected to those enemies outside the church, i.e., the deep state, who hate Christ, Our Lord...

In the long run, don't we get what we deserve?  

We know what Our Lord said: if you are lukewarm, I will spit you out like vomit...

That lukewarmness has been the "norm" for the church -- the novus ordo, and now synodal "church" long before Vat. II, leading to the denial of the core dogma that outside the Church, there is no salvation for any human creature...

True charity for our neighbor dictates that we must evangelize and do what we can to bring those lost sheep back into the fold of the true Church of Christ...

Easier said than done I know, but we must at least try our best to make that happen...

I'll now get off my soapbox...

Pray for strength and honor -- and for the conversion of these modernist monsters!

Viva Cristo Rey! Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

St. Joseph pray for us!!

Gene DeLalla 


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