Sunday, January 26, 2025

The Intentional Feminization Of Catholic Holy Orders (Including The Priesthood?): Pope Francis Institutes 23 Women As Lectors, Described As ‘Tectonic Shift’ In Catholic Tradition

 We keep hearing and reading that female deacons and priestesses would never happen because of Christ establishing an all-male priesthood (and bishoprics), and because of the constant Tradition of the Church down through the centuries...

Francis has also said "no" to that bizarre idea to the consternation of those modernist, radical females -- and their male cohorts -- constantly pushing for such lunacy.

However, actions speak louder than words and the recent action of Bergoglio shows his true colors; say one thing and do another.  As proof of this, here is an article from and written by Michael Haynes, Snr. Vatican Correspondent

Pope Francis institutes 23 women as Lectors, described as ‘tectonic shift’ in Catholic Tradition - LifeSite

Sun Jan 26, 2025 - 6:08 am EST

"VATICAN CITY (LifeSiteNews) — Pope Francis instituted 40 men and women in the ministry of Lector today, marking the fourth time he has done so since his controversial changes to Canon Law in 2021.

During Mass at St. Peter’s Basilica on January 26, Pope Francis formally instituted 23 women and 17 men as Lectors, handing them a copy of the Bible and instructing them to proclaim the faith to young and old:

As readers and bearers of God’s word, you will assist in this mission, and so take on a special office within the Christian community; you will be given a responsibility in the service of the faith, which is rooted in the word of God, You will proclaim that word in the liturgical assembly, instruct children and adults in the faith, and prepare them to receive the sacraments worthily.

 The ceremony is a recently formed event, and takes place in light of the Pope’s two liturgical writings in 2021. These include his motu proprio “Spiritus Domini” – by which he changed Canon Law to open up the male roles of lector and acolyte to women – and his apostolic letter “Antiquum ministerium,” which further drew on texts from Vatican II to establish the lay ministry of catechist for both men and women.

The 40 men and women hailed from Europe, South America and the Philippines, and it is by far the largest group to receive the ministry in the four years that Francis has performed the ceremony.

Pope Francis, Jan 26, 2026. ©Vatican News YouTube

Prior to the Second Vatican Council, the Catholic Church formed seminarians for the priesthood by the series of minor and major orders.

However, in his 1972 motu proprio “Ministeria quaedam,” Pope Paul VI curtailed the “minor orders” of Tonsure, Porter, Lector, Exorcist and Acolyte, as well as the major order of subdeacon, highlighting instead “the universal priesthood of believers.” Paul VI also changed the minor orders from “ordinations” to “institutions.”

The minor orders of Lector and Acolyte are still practiced in seminaries offering the post-conciliar liturgy, but referred to as “ministries” rather than minor orders, due to Ministeria quaedam.

Since Paul VI’s text, the liturgical actions traditionally performed by seminarians holding the respective “minor orders” have been performed by lay men and women in the Novus Ordo liturgy.

By virtue of his 2021 text Spiritus Domini, Francis codified what had become widespread practice in the Novus Ordo liturgy and raising it to a formal ministry.

Drawing from the Amazon Synod in Spiritus Domini, Francis urged “the need to think about ‘new paths for ecclesial ministeriality.’ Not only for the Amazonian Church, but for the whole Church, in the variety of situations.”

Focusing his attention on the institution of female ministers, Francis quoted again from the Amazon Synod, saying “it is urgent that ministries be promoted and conferred on men and women[.] … It is the Church of baptized men and women that we must consolidate by promoting ministry and, above all, the awareness of baptismal dignity.”

Missa por ocasião do Domingo da Palavra de Deus
Pope Francis with a new female Lector, Jan 2025. ©Vatican News

However, liturgical scholars have opposed Francis’ move. One such individual is Dr. Peter Kwasniewski – Thomist and liturgical scholar – who has long warned against Francis’ opening of the Church’s orders to women and laymen.

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