Friday, April 7, 2023

Was/Is The Novus Ordo Catholic Church The Only Entity That Was Infiltrated By Those Recruited By Bella Dodd And Her Ilk To Bring The Church Down From Within???

  No, not at all...

For those who are old enough to remember Sen. Joe McCarthy and his investigation into the communist infiltration of the U.S. State Department, or at least have read about the history of the nation at that time, will have to admit NOW that he was right on the money!

But this horrific infiltration was not limited to the State Department, far from it.

For anyone who has eyes to see and ears to hear, must now recognize how the communists have practically taken over, not only the Oval Office and nearly the entire cabinet of the supposed -- or should I say the installed -- president, Biden, but also numerous agencies and entities outside of the federal government.

Chief among those well-known entities is the Catholic Church...

But let me be clear, I am referring to the novus ordo "Catholic" Church, not the Church founded by our Lord, Jesus Christ!  

The novus ordo was the concoction of the Masonic/Protestant revolutionaries at the Second Vatican Council that shoved that man-made liturgy and "mass" down the throats of the weak Pope Paul VI, turning the Mass of the ages -- the traditional Latin Mass -- into something unrecognizable and foreign to the Catholic faith of the Saints and Martyrs!

This spiritual -- and moral -- disaster came about with the communist Bella Dodd and her comrades to get fellow commies, dissidents, perverts and Christ-haters to enter the seminaries, become "priests, bring down the church from within, as she so testified to congress, was successful beyond anything that could have been imagined!

If you take both the legacy of Sen. McCarthy and his investigations into U.S. commies, and the recruiting of Bella Dodd and her ilk, it must now be admitted that the communist infiltration was wildly successful and encompasses, not only the federal government and the novus ordo Catholic church, but also uncountable colleges, universities -- and the teachers unions!! -- and their peddling of anti-American garbage and filth at the high school -- and even at the grade school level...

Sadly, even "Catholic" colleges and universities have fallen prey to the demonic influences of the communists and their liberal allies who continue to brainwash young minds and hearts into believing that it is okay to kill a pre-born baby to ensure the "rights" of females to kill their offspring -- and to hate America... 

And what about the radical homosexual and alphabet soup demons corrupting those very same minds, hearts -- and bodies -- of the young -- actually encouraged by dumbed-down parents who take their precious children to a drag queen story hour at, of all places, the public library!?

We can very easily become demoralized in confronting all the evil prevalent in our society and in what passes for the Catholic Church these days, but we also have to remember that our Lord told us that He will be with us all days, even to the consummation of the world -- and that the gates of hell would never prevail against His true church!

But did He promise that we would never be persecuted nor hated by the world?   No, just the opposite!

This Easter Sunday should give us hope because of His resurrection and defeat of the father of lies and murder, Satan and his minions...

Continue to pray for strength and honor!

Viva Christo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla 


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