Thursday, April 27, 2023

The Number Of Pre-Born Babies Slaughtered In Abortion Increased In 2022! Planned Parenthood ALONE Killed 374,155 Babies! The U.S. Total: 930,160 Murders!

 I will let the article from speak for itself, but I do want to make a short comment or two...

First, I continue to be amazed that the Almighty Hand of God has not destroyed the entire human race for its attack and slaughter of His precious gift of life, for as He commanded in Genesis: to fill the earth and subdue it...

Secondly, the apostate "Catholic", extremist, pro-death, Biden, has just announced his plan to "run" for a second term as "president"!  Without a doubt, he has proved himself to be an anti-Christ of the highest order, working for the father of lies and death, Satan.  We all know that he is in the hip pocket of those elites that hate life, family, God -- and the United States of America!  He must be defeated!!!

Here is the article: Planned Parenthood Annual Report Shows It Killed 374,155 Babies in Abortions -

"It was another record year for the abortion giant Planned Parenthood. Although Planned Parenthood bills itself as a woman’s health organization, in reality, it is little more than an abortion business.

And its own annual report that that the nation’s biggest abortion company received a record amount of taxpayer funding even as it killed almost 375,000 babies in abortions.

"Its 2021 annual report, released this week, shows it aborted 374,155 babies. In 2019 the abortion giant killed 354,871 babies in abortions, showing that Planned Parenthood continues to kill more and more babies even as it does less and less legitimate health care.

That means Planned Parenthood killed 1,025 babies in abortions every single day — even though the abortion giant claims its main focus is merely women’s health care. In other words, Planned Parenthood kills one baby in an abortion every 84 seconds.

With the pro-abortion Guttmacher Institute estimating 930,160 abortions, this means Planned Parenthood kills 40% of all babies killed in abortions in the United States.

“This is the second-most abortions that Planned Parenthood has performed in its history and represents approximately 40 percent of the abortions performed in the United States,” researcher Dr. Michael New noted.

The report also found that Planned Parenthood offers fewer legitimate services to women. Prenatal services fell 29%, miscarriage care fell 5%, adoption referrals fell 7% and pregnancy tests fell 3.7%. And have dropped over 78% from the high in 2004.

“Overall, an examination of previous Planned Parenthood annual reports shows a consistent long-term trend of performing more abortions and providing fewer health services,” New noted. ” In fact, in 20 years the number of abortions performed by Planned Parenthood affiliates has increased by an astounding 75.6 percent. During the same time period, prenatal services offered by Planned Parenthood affiliates have gone down by more than 60 percent.”

Yet government funding increased 5.8% as taxpayers are increasingly on the hook for funding the abortion giant. The report indicates that in 2022 the abortion giant received $670.4 million in government grants and reimbursements.

As New indicates, “This is unsurprising.”

“Shortly after taking office, the Biden administration was quick to repeal the Trump administration’s Protect Life Rule, making Planned Parenthood eligible for more government funding through Title X grants. Overall, Planned Parenthood’s 2022 annual report, which shows increases in taxpayer funding and decreases in a wide range of health services, is a useful tool for pro-lifers. It gives us solid facts and data to support initiatives to defund Planned Parenthood at both the state and federal levels,” he added.

Planned Parenthood’s excess revenue over expenses is $204.7 million, proving that the so-called nonprofit is actually a money-making abortion business.

The abortion giant is also pushing its sexual agenda on children.

In 2019, Planned Parenthood also was involved in the creation of new YouTube channels called Amaze and Amaze jr. that produce sex education videos for children as young as 4. The videos are targeted at young adolescents and include topics such as abortion, gender and sexuality, pornography, masturbation and oral sex. Several videos also explicitly promote the billion-dollar abortion chain Planned Parenthood, while others blast pro-life pregnancy centers as “fake clinics.”

One video about pornography viewed by LifeNews shows cartoon images of fully nude male and female characters depicted as pornography actors. Later, the video also shows cartoon images of nude and partially nude teenagers. While YouTube does include a warning on the video, one only has to click past the warning to view it.

Former abortion industry workers say abortion providers use sex education programs to promote risky sexual behavior and sell abortions.

The abortion giant is also now in the hormone selling business, exploiting children to push deadly and improper drugs on them."

End of article...

Pray for the conversion of these monsters and for strength and honor!

Viva Christo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla 

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