Friday, May 5, 2023

The Federal Government Is The Enemy Of The People. Their Hate And Bigotry Are Especially Directed At Catholics, More Specifically, Traditional Latin Rite Catholics...

  I can only imagine that the Founding Fathers of our nation must be spinning in their graves!

If they could speak to us today, would they admit that the great American experiment has failed, or at least is in its death throes? 

The central federal government has become a living, breathing, multi-tentacled monster whose thirst for control and dominance over its citizenry simply cannot be satisfied until all submit to the illegal, immoral, un-natural dictates of the Biden regime and their hirelings...

The disregard for the First, Second, Fourth, Sixth and Tenth Amendments to the Bill of Rights as enumerated in the Constitution is absolutely stunning!  

Chief among all the amendments under attack is the Second: the right of the people to keep and bear arms...

This Amendment is hated and despised by the Marxists in control of the Oval Office as well as the various cabinet secretaries, most of whom, I might add, are apostate Catholics, as is Biden -- the self-professed "devout Catholic." 

Why?  Because these oppressors know that an armed citizen can -- and will -- fight to defend life, family, property -- and their right to worship our good God, that's why.

But the question begs: why are practicing, traditionally oriented Catholics being singled out for persecution?

And that's what it is: persecution!

Could it be that they know that that element of society will never deny Christ, our Lord, and will fight, to the end, their rights guaranteed under the First Amendment -- and the Natural Law, no matter what?   The treasonous regime knows that those faithful to our Lord are the last stumbling block in their efforts to turn our nation into another Communist dictatorship run by an oligarchy of Christ-haters...

If anyone thinks that what I have written here is all hyperbole, think again...

I'll now provide an example of the hate and bigotry -- and threats -- directed at Catholic institutions, including, but not limited to, hospitals that, unfortunately, accept federal funding...

Here is an article from that illustrates the lunacy of the hard left now in control of our government...

Biden admin orders Catholic hospital to snuff out sanctuary candle or lose all federal funding - LifeSite (

Here is the second paragraph of that article: "The Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) demanded that Saint Francis Health System in Oklahoma extinguish two candles – a small sanctuary candle that has burned since 1960 and another that has burned without problem for 15 years at another Saint Francis hospital."

(The CMS is under the Secretary of Health and Human Services.  That entity is run by a character by the name of Xavier Becerra, an apostate Catholic and radical supporter of abortion and other perversities, such as endorsing the sodomite agenda.  Keep in mind too, that the abortion "industry" had a "banner year" in the continued killing and slaughter of the pre-born in 2022!  See my article here: The Number Of Pre-Born Babies Slaughtered In Abortion Increased In 2022! Planned Parenthood ALONE Killed 374,155 Babies! The U.S. Total: 930,160 Murders!  And you thought that the overturning of Roe would bring an abrupt end to this massacre?  Far from it...)

It has recently come to light that the rogue "Department of Justice," with the corrupt FBI leading the way, has been spying and infiltrating Catholic Masses and dioceses to get snitches and traitors to inform on their traditional Catholic neighbors -- for what sinister purposes, exactly?

Is it to lump us together with those concerned parents at school board meetings who are labeled potential "domestic terrorists" because of some non-existent radical ideology, at least as it is seen from the point of view of a malignant, anti-American federal bureaucracy?   

Is that what this is all about: Americans who love their country and are God-fearing, being the number one "threat" to peace and security to our homeland?  While, at the same time, these federal miscreants are allowing real predators and terror cells to enter our country by the hundreds of thousands -- and millions! -- without being properly vetted at our porous, southern border?

I can only classify such malfeasance -- or should I say design? -- as treason! 

Treasure and exercise your Second Amendment!

And pray for strength and honor!

Viva Christo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla 


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