Wednesday, May 31, 2023

"Happy" Memorial Day? Another Barbecue? Some Burgers, Hot Dogs And Potato Salad?

 I don't mean to throw cold water on Memorial Day picnics, or backyard barbecues, but I do think that it is important to at least remember what this special Day is all about.

Maybe some look at it as just another day off from work, surely, there's nothing wrong with that...


Before I go any further, I have to clarify that I don't believe in "my country right or wrong," regardless of the circumstances... That would be obscene! 

However, there are those in our beloved country who feel exactly, "my country right or wrong," and the evidence to prove it is now in the history books as well as the newest, ongoing war between Ukraine and Russia.

Ukraine's poking of the powerful Russian Bear could push the world to the brink of a potential nuclear disaster -- with the help of their "friends", NATO, the U.S. and the military industrial complex making tons of blood money with each passing day...

For me, I would have to go back 56 years to "my war": Vietnam and remember the 58,000-plus brothers -- and yes, sisters (nurses) that gave their all as can be seen on The Wall in D.C...

As a former U.S. Air Force Security Police NCO (Staff Sergeant) I recognize and attest to the fact that one-hundred-eleven of my brother police were killed in action (KIA) during that protracted war.

It is also a fact that there were many wars before and after Vietnam and whether those wars were "popular" or not, the fact remains that the G.I.s that fought in those wars should be honored and thanked for their service to our country, and also thanked for those countries and peoples they liberated.

War itself is a punishment for grievous sins committed against God Almighty and the rejection of the social reign of Christ as King of individual souls -- and nations!

In other words, Christ or chaos and until those souls and entire nations recognize their Creator as their true King, nothing will change.

We must recognize the ultimate and horrific sacrifice of our Lord on the Cross for our salvation, and, at the same time recognize the ultimate sacrifice of our troops who purchased our (God-given) freedoms with their very lifeblood.  If we don't, then history will continue to repeat itself until we destroy, not only our country, but also our souls and failed in our quest to answer the basic question: why were we bornTo know, love and serve God in this life, and be happy with Him in the next...

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla 




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