Wednesday, May 17, 2023

Absolute Obedience To The Pope In All Things? No! But Absolute Obedience To Christ In All Things!

 When you come right down to it, it's really simple to follow; we obey all licit directives from the Pope when it concerns faith and morals.  Why?  Because he is the teacher and pastor of all Christians.

But!  When a pope -- or any clergy for that matter -- strays off the beaten path, then we don't have to obey that which is contrary to the Deposit of Faith -- especially when it comes to the Natural Law and God-given common sense.

Unfortunately, since Bergoglio ascended the throne of St. Peter in 2013, it has become a real chore to sift through his errors, heresies and scandals to see what we must obey and what not to obey...

Of course, we must resist Bergoglio to the face -- as St. Paul did to St. Peter because of the scandal he caused concerning the new converts to Christianity!

Let me be clear, it is not easy for any practicing Catholic to have to take sides, if you will, when it comes to obeying or not obeying the supreme pontiff because of his errant actions and/or words.  It seems almost un-Catholic to do so.  

But resistance must be undertaken, not only for the sake of our souls, but also for the sake of the pope himself -- to correct and admonish him for the sake of his soul! 

We should do no less.  In reality, our Lord has commanded us to pray for our enemies, and if the pope is now an enemy, as it appears he is, then we must pray for his conversion, but not for his evil or wicked intentions that are contrary to the Catholic faith...

Having said that, where are the "good" bishops and cardinals to lend support to faithful Catholics?  Why haven't we heard more, or at least something from those whom we respect for their supposed orthodoxy in following the Church's teaching on faith, morals and the Natural Law? 

Why aren't they resisting Bergoglio -- to the face?  

I can count on one hand, the number of bishops who have spoken up about the errors and scandals of Bergoglio, but much more must be done to help the faithful in the pews as well as the Pope to get back on track, lest he slip into the infernal abyss... 

Please watch the following, short video from

Fr. Altman BLASTS Church leadership for abandoning faithful Catholics (

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla 

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